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Choco Music

Choco Music is a fork of Vanilla Music, primarily for personal use, so some minor bugs might be present.

Vanilla Music player is a GPLv3 licensed MP3/OGG/FLAC/PCM player for Android with the following features:

  • multiple playlist support
  • grouping by artist, album or genre
  • plain filesystem browsing
  • ReplayGain support
  • headset/Bluetooth controls
  • accelerometer/shake control
  • cover art support
  • Simple Scrobbler support

Choco Music adds these features:

  • The ability to rate your music locally from 1 to 5 stars.
  • Cleaning up your library of songs you don't listen too (deletes files for all songs that are rated 1 star).
  • The ability to tag songs and albums as being instrumentals or songs with vocals.
  • A filtering feature on playback to only play songs that are either instrumentals or vocal songs.
  • A Smart Shuffle feature that will shuffle a playlist and slightly prioritize highly rated songs over lower ones, to mainly listen to your favorite songs, while occasionally spicing it up with some less common songs.


Vanilla Music also includes support for plugins, this is a list of some existing plugins:


To build you will need:

  • A Java compiler compatible with Java 1.8
  • The Android SDK with platform 26 installed

Building from command-line

Note: at the time of this writing, the current version of Gradle (4.5.1) is not compatible with the current version of JDK (9.0.4). To have the build succeed, use JDK version 1.8.0_162.

  • gradle build to build the APK
  • Optional: gradle installDebug to install the APK to a connected device

Building with Android Studio

You can also build with Android Studio by importing this project into it.


Javadocs can be generated using gradle javadoc or ant doc


Vanilla Music Player for Android









  • Java 97.5%
  • HTML 1.2%
  • Other 1.3%