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Barry de Graaff edited this page May 30, 2016 · 32 revisions

Feature list

Below is the list of supported features for Zimbra OpenPGP Zimlet. The list has been updated for version 2.4.0.

Sending messages

  • Inline-PGP encrypted messages with full UTF-8 support in text/plain format
  • Inline-PGP clear signed messages with full UTF-8 support in text/plain format
  • Inline-PGP encrypted attachments

Receiving messages

  • Inline-PGP encrypted messages with full UTF-8 support in text/plain format
  • Inline-PGP clear signed messages with full UTF-8 support in text/plain format
  • Inline-PGP encrypted attachments
  • PGP/MIME messages with body parts text/plain
  • PGP/MIME messages with body parts text/html will be converted to text
  • PGP/MIME messages with parts that use transfer encoding base64 and quoted-printable and charset UTF-8
  • PGP/MIME encrypted attachments

This Zimlet does not support verifying detached signatures from PGP/MIME signed (but not encrypted) messages. Any additional body parts will be treated as text/plain.

Storing Public Keys

  • Up to 30 keys can be stored in the Zimbra LDAP with a maximum length of 51000 chars
  • An unlimited amount of keys can be stored in the users address book (contacts) in the notes field
  • Via administrator managed Global-Keystore

Importing Public Keys

  • Via (admin configurable) keyserver lookup
  • From a plain/text email message that contain an ASCII PGP Public Key Block
  • From attachments of type application/pgp-keys in ASCII format (.asc)
  • From PGP/MIME encrypted attachments that contain an ASCII PGP Public Key Block
  • From Thunderbird/Enigmail see Exporting public keys from Enigmail to Zimbra

Storing Private Key (optional)

  • In the browsers local storage with aditional AES-256 encryption, the AES decrypt password is stored on the server

Storing Passphrase

  • Encoded in the Zimbra server LDAP or
  • In the browsers local storage with aditional AES-256 encryption, the AES decrypt password is stored on the server