Zielino | 27-09-2021
Fancy & Useful Commands
- Debug, Warns, and Errors in pretty style
- Events logging: guildCreate and guildDelete
- Commands logging: Format: [UserName#ID] in `[serverName]`: {prefix}[command]
If someone tries to use the ownerOnly command:
2021-10-10 16:08:54 - warn [index.js]: pitus#3137 in `Zielino's Sever`: Tried to use *ownerOnly* command: ;eval
If it is a normal command:
2021-10-10 16:14:33 - warn [index.js]: pitus#3137 in `Zielino's Sever`: ;redirect
Node.js v16.11.0 or higher (Node.js v16.11.x should work as well)
Yarn v1.22.15 or higher (Yarn v1.22.x should work as well)
- At first you need to clone the repo. To do this open your terminal/cmd and use this command.
$ git clone https://github.com/Zielin0/HackBot.git
- Install all required dependencies.
$ yarn
- Edit config.json (in root directory).
"name": "HackBot",
"token": "BOT_TOKEN",
"prefix": ";",
"ownerId": "YOUR_ID"
- Run the bot.
$ yarn start
If you encounter any issues, please open an ISSUE.
No known issues at the moment.
Name | Category | Usage | Examples |
Eval | Owner | ;eval [code ] |
;eval console.log('Hello, HackBot!') |
GuildBan | Owner | ;guildban [guildId ] |
;guildban 694865553835163648 |
Invite | Owner | ;invite [guildId ] |
;invite 694865553835163648 |
LeaveGuild | Owner | ;leaveguild [guildId ] |
;leaveguild 694865553835163648 |
Neofetch | Owner | ;neofetch | ;neofetch |
Servers | Owner | ;servers | ;servers |
Shutdown | Owner | ;shutdown | ;shutdown |
UnGuildBan | Owner | ;unguildban [guildId ] |
;unguildban 694865553835163648 |
Whois | Hack | ;whois [domain ] |
;whois siurasowo.tk |
Redirect | Hack | ;redirect [url ] |
;redirect https://dc.siurasowo.tk |
PingIp | Hack | ;pingip [ip ] |
;pingip |
GenBotInvite | Hack | ;genbotinvite [botId ] |
;genbotinvite 886585147573555210 |
This project is under the MIT license.
Logging[27-09-2021] -
Emojis -
Implementing ownerOnly property for commands[28-09-2021] -
Implementing Database (better-sqlite3)[30-09-2021] -
Owner Commands[12-10-2021]-
Eval[28-09-2021] -
Shutdown[28-09-2021] -
Servers[28-09-2021] -
Invite[28-09-2021] -
LeaveGuild[28-09-2021] -
ServerBan[29-09-2021] -
Hack Commands[09-10-2021]-
Whois command[09-10-2021] -
Redirect command[09-10-2021] -
Ping command[09-10-2021]
- Help Command
Zielin0 💻 📖🥊 |
PjooteRek 💻🥊 |
ThomasTheTank69 🥊 |
Feel free to star and fork the repo.
Also join my discord server