A GUI client for Windows and Linux, support Xray core and v2fly core and others
Tool that converts Apple crash report from json to old style stack
iOS port of opencore-amr, with prebuilt XCFrameworks available.
A text view for creating tokenized text.
This project is deprecated. Check my new project ChatHub:
The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedStrings with lots of customisation options.
KeyboardKit is a Swift SDK that lets you create fully customizable keyboards with a few lines of code, using SwiftUI.
润学全球官方指定GITHUB,整理润学宗旨、纲领、理论和各类润之实例;解决为什么润,润去哪里,怎么润三大问题; 并成为新中国人的核心宗教,核心信念。
关于iOS 性能优化梳理、内存泄露、卡顿、网络、GPU、电量、 App 包体积瘦身、启动速度优化等、Instruments 高级技巧、常见的优化技能- Get — Edit
💬 iOS Chat SDK in Swift - Build your own app chat experience for iOS using the official Stream Chat API
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
A command-line tool and Swift Package for generating class diagrams powered by PlantUML
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
基于AsyncSocket搭建即时通讯体系 . 包含TCP连接 , 消息发送 , 消息接收 , 心跳处理 ,断网重连 , 消息超时 , 消息分发 , 数据库结构设计 , 消息丢失等 . 以及UI设计, 文本表情消息/语音消息/图片消息/视频消息/文件消息/撤回消息/提示语消息的实现思路讲解
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.