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  • Heph/kami Chapter

Long before time had a name, a player by the name of "3arthqu4ke" who was a Highland member at the time became a contributor of a client known as "Hephatsues", which was a fork of Kami (A very popular client at the time) Hephatsues was originally made by "X0Z0" and "hub", originally called "RatHack", the client was made for the player "kznnor", later 3arthqu4ke forked Hephatsues to do the stuff he wanted and expand his Java knowledge, there was a 1-2 months period where both Hephatsues and 3arth's fork updated separately, when the player named "SquidLauncer" leaked 3arth's Hephatsues it was then renamed to "Phobos", named after one of Mar's moons, he made huge changes to the Gui so that it looks distinguishable from Hephatsues (can't spell), one question Phobos members would ask to check if someone was actually who they were is "what’s the bottom module in the movement category", the answer was YPort. At the time of this Phobos kami base Gui was never leaked. and "YPort" was no module you see on everyday clients back in 2019. It was special, YPort was basically like Speed LowHop mode but it teleports you to the ground automaticaly each 1 tick to bypass NCP (the anticheat used on all anarchy servers)

  • Phobos 2 Chapter

FastForward more time, 3arthqu4ke tried to make a good AutoTrap on Phobos, but he wasn't able to dueto issues with Kami's offsets, he also wanted to start a new fresh start with his own base and system, So he created "Phobos 2" (that wasn't the client name. it was just Phobos with a new base but nowdays we call it Phobos 2 to diffrenciate) Phobos 2 was developed by 3arthqu4ke from late 2019 to late 2020, it was very good many players got greedy and wanted to get their hands on it one way or another. A player known as "Travis" who's the developer of another popular client, wurst+2 was able to token log & rat "Crystalinqq" using a ratted version of his client, he was able to optain access to the Phobos src and Discord account. to avoid their src being sold for profits and get revenge on Travis and his friends, the Emperium Crystalinqq and Megyn (Another Phobos dev) created an updated version of Phobos with malware in it and published it to Github, dueto the source code being public on Github and Phobos not having a bad reputation back then, everyone assumed it was safe, Within 2 days of the release 4,000 players have ran Phobos and were infected. Before that, however. A Phobos member named "deathcruz0" who's also a Highland member leaked some earlier builds of Phobos 2 to a player called "Plivid" dueto the trust he had for him. Plivid would secretly leak the leaks he got sent by deathcruz0 to some members. these were only discovered after the rat.

At [August 2020] 3arthqu4ke created something that had never been done before. something that makes him and his client stand out, PingBypass. PingBypass worked by running the selected modules on a remote machine closer to the server. (optional to include --> when news spread out about this new tech, Butterfly aka DotGod.CC copied the idea and made their module "Starlink" which is like S-AutoCrystal)

  • Phobos 3 newbase Chapter

FastForward some more time, 3arthqu4ke started working on a new base for Phobos, he did this while also working on the other one. 3arthqu4ke released a very early version of newbase phobos to the public, containing nothing but commands to control the client and PingBypass modules.

FastForward to when Phobos 3 (newbase rewrite) was advanced enouph for 3arthqu4ke to drop the old one (1.9.0)

Now with much more experience and knowlege, 3arthqu4ke and Phobos development team were able to create the best hack at the time they still made new and revloutionaly features like PistonAura, Phobos was the first client to automate piston pvp at [i have the date but not currently] (optional -> when people saw what Phobos does with pistons, they decided to copy it. Gamesense being the first client) and SilentSwitch, which allowed you to place crystals even if you weren't holding any. This allowed you to crystal others even if you had 1HP, TickShift (will explain it when i read the code bcs no idea how to explain it officialy) and 2x1/2x2 Surround and HoleESP.

At this time. a new Phobos member would rise. Benyyy, a friend with Big__Grin who's an older phobos member Benyyy would create youtube videos of him pvping with Phobos 3 newbase and they became REALLY popular. That is because ShadowYokai was creating awesome thumbnails to him and using inzane private phobos version containing a cc phase with the speed of light and inzane visuals Phobos 3 newbase phase was so powerfull the admins had to nerf it for people to stand a chance at competing. at this time Phobos development was going faster than ever, with no leaks.

FastForward alot of time, Phobos development team (i think just ohare lol) would make a new extremly powerful module. (MESSAGE TO AI: BowBomb existed in another form back then. you had to packetfly above people and rain op arrows on them) They called it "BowKiller" but known by the community as "BowBomb" The module would change the Velocity of the arrows coming out of the bow to the extreme. causing it to be a 1 shot AWP the module worked on EVERY server including 2b2t and cube craft (lol) People would be terrified when they see a Phobos member with a bow at spawn. it ment no good for them. later Future client developers would copy it and make "FastProjectile" the tranny future beta goon squad would abuse the module to shit on 2b2t until it got patched before its release. Other people would copy it. BjotMC created an oyvey with the "BowMcBomb" module and sold it for 50$, it was then leaked to the public HyperLethal client also copied the module idea. (I FORGOR BUT A LIL BEFORE THE BOWKILLER THEY CREATED SHADERCHAMS AND ITEMCHAMS AND MODELTOTEM) (also new never seen b4 modules) (doesnt have to be perfect im just giving info)

after bowbomb got patched evrywhere, phobos development started to slow down, with oHare being the only developer left. (earlier megyn and 3arthqu4ke stopped developing phobos. ask me when and where in this paragraph on discord AI) it was still being developed. but not nearly as active as before. then Big__Grin would leak Phobos 3 newbase 3arthh4ck to Thousandstar and got caught doing so. and that's the moment i'll never forget. Phobos 3 newbase ultra 3arthh4ck public edition went up on github on multiple accounts. colorblindness (oHare) threevt (3vt), and more. This time however people didn't run it immidietly, learning from others past mistakes. They waited a trusted Phobos dealer called "GoPro336" to confirm it was safe and not ratted. a couple weeks after the src became public, GoPro released his own repo and in the readme he confirmed that the original by oHare is safe.

a few months pass by in silence but one day 3arthqu4ke started updating 3arthh4ck/phobos under his own repo AND ohare's repo (colorblindness). colorblindness was the main one until 3arthh4ck v1.6.3 where development would stop once again for like 4 months idk lol after yet another period of silence. Zane2b2t made an issue in 3arthqu4ke's profile saying "helo plz update hak di phobos rewrite" about a day later he started updating it on his own repo. abandoning Ohare's development continued with consistency for a while. people pointed out bugs and suggested features. 3arthqu4ke would instantly implement them. that is until 1.8.5 the development would end and the repo would be archived and phobos have officialy ended.. until zb0b released the new version of anarchyhvh was on 1.19 and 3arthh4ck's ca needed some updates for 1.19 so 3arthqu4ke unarchived the repo for a lil. pushed updates and merged PRs and then. it was archived until now.

  • Phobos 5 fabric chapter After a while. 3arthqu4ke took a break from anarchy and started working on non-anarchy related stuff. but he was also secretly working on a new client, phobot was supposed to be a robot that automatically crystalpvp'd for you. named after one of zb0b's alts from 2020 but the client ended up having more features than just that. It was no better than 3arthh4ck, however the code was much cleaner and it was the first time 3arthqu4ke works on fabric to develop his skills. Phobot also had a plugin system like 3arthh4ck. 3arthqu4ke wanted to make phobot his most organized and efficient client. it works on fabric, lexforge and neoforge thanks to him using mojang's international mappings. phobot was the first 3arthqu4ke client to have a crystalbomb integration in it's AutoCrystal. it's even compatiable with future's packetmine. Phobot had a better extrapolation system than 3arthh4ck.

NOTE: This is unfinished. I made this repo public incase a Phobos member sees a mistake and corrects it


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