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ZSU is a German acronym for ZIMO Sammel Update (ZIMO Collective Update), a file format for firmware updates. The format supports multiple, optionally Salsa20 encrypted, firmwares for a variety of target devices. ZSU files are currently used by the following products:

Table of Contents
  1. File Format Specification
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage

File Format Specification

A ZSU file consists of a header and a binary blob of firmware data. The header format is essentially CSV text with a tab \t as a delimiter and a semicolon ; as an EOL character. The first line contains file information, the following lines contain firmware entries. A colon : indicates the end of the header.


Tab Separated Values Encoding Description
DF ASCII ZSU file identifier
1 ASCII Header version
; ASCII Firmware info start identifier
100938240 ASCII 4 byte device ID as decimal ASCII
(example: 0x06043200 for MS450-0)
159 ASCII Offset to firmware data in file
(-1 due to "legacy bug", the actual start address would be A0 in this example)
145792 ASCII Length of firmware data in file
MS-450 ASCII Device name
1 ASCII Version
17 ASCII Subversion
3 ASCII Microcontroller
1 = PIC16
2 = PIC18
3 = STM32
2 ASCII Bootloader type (optional)
1 = MX82x family
2 = STM
9465695272716466818 ASCII 8 byte encryption IV as decimal ASCII (optional)
: ASCII Header end identifier

Firmware Data

Binary, optionally encrypted, firmware data.

Value or Example Encoding Description
0x00 Binary Firmware data
... Binary ...


Example of latest MX decoder ZSU file

DF	1;
198	4330	52226	Flm_E69	40	20	2;
142	56560	34818	MDS_442	40	20	2;
152	91382	51458	M152	40	20	2;
# ...
165	3172876	52226	DU65	40	20	2:

Example of latest MS decoder ZSU file

DF	1;
2081506816	3135	117696	MN170-0_4	4	235	3	2	10367926798890783065;
2131841024	120831	117888	MN180-0_4	4	235	3	2	14087017121960536323;
2098397184	238719	117888	MN300-0_4	4	235	3	2	2968593227443176535;
# ...
184549633	6489791	147648	MS001-1_4	4	235	3	2	1389861890318814935:

Getting Started


  • C++23 compatible compiler
  • CMake ( >= 3.25 )


This library is meant to be consumed with CMake.

# Either by including it with CPM
cpmaddpackage("gh:ZIMO-Elektronik/[email protected]")

# or the FetchContent module
  GIT_TAG v0.0.1)

target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE ZSU::ZSU)


If the build is running as a top-level CMake project then tests and a small example will be generated.

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build --target ZSUExamples


// Read .zsu file
auto zsu_file{zsu::read("./data/MS_4.235.0.zsu")};

// Print file format version
std::cout << "ZSU file version " << << "\n";

// Print number of found device firmwares
std::cout << "Number of firmwares " << size(zsu_file.firmwares) << "\n";

// Print found device IDs
std::cout << "Found device IDs: ";
std::ranges::for_each(zsu_file.firmwares, [](auto&& fw) {
  std::cout << std::hex << << " ";