maker is a general purpose text file templating engine. Use it to create text files programmatically.
npm install maker
maker scans a directory for a collection of templates, and allows you to select and fill out those templates as needed.
Here's an example template, lets say we save it as 'myTemplate.tpl'
// ~~comment~~
function ~~functionName~~( ~~arguments~~ ) {
} // end ~~functionName~~()
The template is a copy of the code you're trying to output with the variables and custom names replaced with template strings. The default separation string is ~~, but it can be changed to anything by using the optional argument to the maker constructor.
Here's a basic usage example
var maker = require("maker").createMaker();
// Load all template files (.tpl) within some directory
maker.loadTemplateDir( "./templates", function( templates ) {
// Grab a copy of the templates we want to use
var myTemplate = maker.getTemplate( "myTemplate" ),
myOtherTemplate = maker.getTemplate( "myOtherTemplate" );
// Fill out our templates with contents
myTemplate.comment = "comment stuff";
myTemplate.functionName = "SomeFunction";
myTemplate.arguments = "";
myTemplate.contents = "console.log('test');";
myOtherTemplate.someThing = "someOtherThing";
// Create an array of templates in the order that
// we want them to appear in the file
fileTemplates = [];
fileTemplates.push( myTemplate );
fileTemplates.push( templates["myOtherTemplate"] );
// Write the file
maker.makeFile( "./testOutput.js", fileTemplates );
Ignoring the unspecified template 'myOtherTemplate', This script would render myTemplate.tpl as the following
// comment stuff
function SomeFunction() {
} // end SomeFunction()