Система Time-Tracking. Администратор закрепляет за пользователем Активность. У пользователя может быть одна или несколько Активностей. Пользователь отмечает кол-во затраченного времени на каждую активность. Пользователь может отправить запрос на добавление/удаление Активности.
Clone project from this repository git clone https://github.com/Yurwar/time-tracker.git
Go to ../src/main/resources/database.properties and change properties on yours
Execute script from ../src/main/resources/time-tracker-dump.sql to recover database from dump
Go to project root folder and execute in terminal: mvn clean install
After that head to ../target and copy time-tracker.war in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder
Go to $TOMCAT_HOME/bin folder
To start server execute following script startup.sh
or startup.bat
depending on the installed operating system
After server started successfully, you can access application at https://localhost:8080/time-tracker/app
On login page fill username: admin and password: admin, then you can sign up with new user or change current
To stop server execute following script shutdown.sh
or shutdown.bat
depending on the installed operating system