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Markdown to Anki Converter

How to generate an Anki PKG from a Markdown file

  1. Setup environment

    // Windows
    python -m venv .
    // MacOS/Linux
    python3 -m venv .
    source bin/activate
  2. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Start server

    uvicorn main:app --reload
  4. Create a Postman Request

    • URL: http:https://localhost:8000/uploadfile
    • Method: POST
    • Body:
      • form-data:
        • Key: file
        • Value: <file_name>.md
  5. Import .apkg into Anki

    Select file generated_deck.apkg from project directory to import

  6. Happy Learning

How to format a Markdown file (.md)


  • There are two types of cards used here: Basic, Cloze
  • There are four variants of cards, as shown below
  • In cards marked with [Cloze], only use bullet points
# File Name

## Heading

### Sub Heading (will be used as Tag for sub-Cards)

#### Card Question // Basic

Card Answer

#### Card Question // Basic with bullet points

- Card Bullet Point
- Card Bullet Point

#### Card Question [Cloze] // [Cloze] will turn bullet points into x Cloze cards

- Card Bullet Point
- Card Bullet Point

#### Card Question [Cloze] // '\<Option\>:' will not be included in Cloze tags

- Option: Card Bullet Point
- Other Option: Card Bullet Point