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A solution for ICPR 2020 CORSMAL Challenge URL:http:


programming language: python
employed hardware:
- OS: CentOS (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro)
- GPU: (4) GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
- GPU RAM: 36 GB
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6950X CPU @ 3.00GHz
- RAM: 48 GB
- Cores: 10
- conda 4.3.30
- CUDA 10.2

Quick Demo

$ git clone [email protected]:YuichiNAGAO/ICPRchallenge2020.git && cd ICPRchallenge2020

Download the pre-trained models from here and unzip it under the current directory.

$ conda-env create --name [new_env] --file ./env.yml

Activate [new_env].

$ python --root [path to the dataset] --folder_num [folder numbers]

Then, the submission.csv containing the predictions is created under the current directory.

Expected file structures

root of the scripts
|----- models
|         |----- T1_all_-1_CE_400.pth(model for task 1)
|         |----- T2_all_-1_CE_200.pth(model for task 2)
|----- annotations.csv

root of the dataset
|----- 13 
|          |----- audio
|          |----- calib
|          |----- depth
|          |----- imu
|          |----- ir
|          |----- rgb
|----- 14

About additional annotations

We made additional annotations in annotations.csv to improve accuracies. start / end columns indicate when the subject start/finish pouring the filling from a jar into a glass/cup or shaking an already filled food box respectively. The value -1 denotes that the subject does not pour or shake in that video.


We take deep learning approaches for task1 and task2 and non-deep learning approach for task3. Therefore, we have to preprocess data and train the models for task1 and task2, but we don't have to for task3.

1. Data pre-processing for task 2

$ python --root [path to the dataset]

The preprocessed data is stored under [path to the dataset]/audio.

2. Training for task 2

$ python --root [path to the dataset]

other options:

  --root ROOT           root directory of the dataset
  --batch_size N        input batch size for training [default: 32]
  --epochs N            number of epochs to train
  --lr LR               learning rate [default: 1e-5]
  --log_interval N      how many batches to wait before logging validation result [default: 10]
  --train_type {all,part}
                        train with all train data or use part of train data as validation [default: all]
  --loss_type {FL,CE}   loss type (Focal loss/Cross entropy) [default: CE]
  --reduction {sum,mean}
                        reduction type of loss [default: mean]
  --val N               which train folder is used as validation (not trained) [default: -1]

If you choose part for the train type, please make sure to choose a validation folder(i.e., container). Then the chosen folder is removed for training. If you choose all, the the model is trained using all of the train data. Basically, all of the default options are optimized, so you just need to write path to data directory. For example,

$ --root './data'

At the end of training, weights of trained model are saved under [path to the dataset]/T1_results.

3. Data pre-processing for task 1

$ python --root [path to the dataset]

The preprocessed data is stored under [path to the dataset]/T2_mid.

4. Training for task 1

$ python --root [path to the dataset]

other options:

  --root ROOT           root directory of the dataset
  --batch_size N        input batch size for training [default: 16]
  --epochs N            number of epochs to train
  --lr LR               learning rate [default: 1e-4]
  --log_interval N      how many batches to wait before logging validation result [default: 10]
  --train_type {all,part}
                        train with all train data or use part of train data as validation [default: all]
  --loss_type {FL,CE}   loss type (Focal loss/Cross entropy) [default: CE]
  --reduction {sum,mean}
                        reduction type of loss [default: mean]
  --val N               which train folder is used as validation (not trained) [default: -1]

At the end of training, weights of trained model are saved under [path to the dataset]/T1_results.

5. Testing

Please copy the saved models to ./model/

$ python --root [path to the dataset] --folder_num 10 11 12

other options:

  --root ROOT
  --folder_num [FOLDER_NUM [FOLDER_NUM ...]]
                        name of folder that you want to test
  --train_type {all,part}
                        please set the same string as you have put in training phase!! train with all train data or
                        use part of train data as validation [default: all]
  --val N               please set the same number as you have put in training phase!! which train folder is used as
                        validation (not trained) [default: -1]
  --loss_type {FL,CE}   please set the same string as you have put in training phase!! loss type (Focal loss/Cross
                        entropy) [default: CE]
  --t1_epochs N         please set the same number as you have put in training phase!! number of epochs to train
  --t2_epochs N         please set the same number as you have put in training phase!! number of epochs to train
  --step_T3             step of frame in video for object detection using maskrcnn[default:8]
  --view                which view you use for T3                        

You have to specify folder number (container number) for which you want to make the prediction. Also, as for "epochs", "train_type", "val", "loss_type", you need to use the same settings that you have set in Basically, all the default options are optimized (the same default as

At the end of testing, submission.csv containing the predictions is created under the current directory.

6. Visualization of the voting of T2

Please confirm that the model for T2 is already trained and saved.

First, you need to save the result of the voting as a json file executing the folloing commnad:

python --root [path to the dataset] --folder_num 10 11 12 

Then under the dataset directory, voting/ folder will be created and the voting/voting.json file will appear. --folder_num is an option. You can choose the folder number you want to save. As for "epochs", "train_type", "val", "loss_type", you need to use the same settings that you have set in (These options are the same as the So please refer to 5 Testing.)

Now you are ready to visualize the data. Please implement the following commands:

python --root [path to the dataset]

Then the histgram and visualization of the voting of each data will be saved as voting/[folder_number]_[file_name]_hist.png and voting/[folder_number]_[file_name]_bar.png. The holizontal axis of ..._bar.png is the time, and the length of the graph differs depending on the video length.

other options:

--folder-num [FOLDER_NUM [FOLDER_NUM ...]]
                        name of folder that you want to test
--file-name file name

If you execute without setting neither folder_num or file_name, all of the data saved in the json file will be visualized.

For example, you can implement like as follows:

python --root [path to the dataset] --folder-num 1 --file-name s1_fi3_fu2_b1_l0

The result is here:

Other examples are here:

Black: emply, yellow:pasta, green:rice, blue:water


Code for CORSMAL Challenge at ICPR2020






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