MERN stack app. Streamline school management, class organization, and add students and faculty. Seamlessly track attendance, assess performance, and provide feedback. Access records, view marks, an…
MERN-Ecommerce-Site Public
Seamless shopping, search and explore different product categories, add products to cart, and checkout swiftly. Become a seller and add products, monitor sales, and gather customer feedback.
MERN-Blog-Now-App Public
This blog website is built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack. The website offers a user-friendly interface for registering and logging in to create and edit blog posts. Us…
Products-Lister Public
MERN stack products lister app enables users to register, log in, and list products they want to sell.
Weather-App Public
A Web App that utilizes the 'OpenWeatherMap' API to return current and 7 days forecasted weather for a given location.