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Modern microcode for N64 romhacks. Will make you want to finally ditch HLE.

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Modern microcode for N64 romhacks. Will make you want to finally ditch HLE. Heavily modified version of F3DEX2, partially rewritten from scratch.

F3DEX3 is in alpha. It is not guaranteed to be bug-free, and updates may bring breaking changes.


New visual features

  • New geometry mode bit G_PACKED_NORMALS enables simultaneous vertex colors and normals/lighting on the same mesh, by encoding the normals in the unused 2 bytes of each vertex using a variant of octahedral encoding. The normals are effectively as precise as with the vanilla method of replacing vertex RGB with normal XYZ.
  • New geometry mode bit G_AMBOCCLUSION enables ambient occlusion for opaque materials. Paint the shadow map into the vertex alpha channel; separate factors (set with SPAmbOcclusion) control how much this affects the ambient light, all directional lights, and all point lights.
  • New geometry mode bit G_LIGHTTOALPHA moves light intensity (maximum of R, G, and B of what would normally be the shade color after lighting) to shade alpha. Then, if G_PACKED_NORMALS is also enabled, the shade RGB is set to the vertex RGB. Together with alpha compare and some special display lists from fast64 which draw triangles two or more times with different CC settings, this enables cel shading. Besides cel shading, G_LIGHTTOALPHA can also be used for bump mapping or other unusual CC effects (e.g. texture minus vertex color times lighting).
  • New geometry mode bits G_FRESNEL_COLOR or G_FRESNEL_ALPHA enable Fresnel. The dot product between a vertex normal and the vector from the vertex to the camera is computed; this is then scaled and offset with settable factors. The resulting value is then stored to shade color or shade alpha. This is useful for:
    • making surfaces like water and glass fade between transparent when viewed straight-on and opaque when viewed at a large angle
    • applying a fake "outline" around the border of meshes
    • the N64 bump mapping implementation mentioned above
  • New geometry mode bit G_LIGHTING_SPECULAR changes lighting computation from diffuse to specular. If enabled, the vertex normal for lighting is replaced with the reflection of the vertex-to-camera vector over the vertex normal. Also, a new size value for each light controls how large the light reflection appears to be. This technique is lower fidelity in some ways than the vanilla hilite system, as it is per-vertex rather than per-pixel, but it allows the material to be textured normally. Plus, it supports all scene lights (including point) with different dynamic colors, whereas the vanilla system supports up to two directional lights and more than one dynamic color is difficult.
  • New geometry mode bits G_ATTROFFSET_ST_ENABLE and G_ATTROFFSET_Z_ENABLE apply settable offsets to vertex ST (SPAttrOffsetST) and/or Z (SPAttrOffsetZ) values. These offsets are applied after their respective scales. For Z, this enables a method of drawing coplanar surfaces like decals but without the Z fighting which can happen with the RDP's native decal mode. For ST, this enables UV scrolling without CPU intervention.

Performance improvements

  • 56 verts can fit into DMEM at once, up from 32 verts in F3DEX2, and only 13% below the 64 verts of reject microcodes. This reduces DRAM traffic and RSP time as fewer verts have to be reloaded and re-transformed, and also makes display lists shorter.
  • New occlusion plane system allows the placement of a 3D quadrilateral where objects behind this plane in screen space are culled. This can substantially reduce the performance penalty of overdraw in scenes with walls in the middle, such as a city or an indoor scene.
  • If a material display list being drawn is the same as the last material, the texture loads in the material are skipped (the second time). This effectively results in auto-batched rendering of repeated objects, as long as each only uses one material. This system supports multitexture and all types of loads.
  • New SPTriangleStrip and SPTriangleFan commands pack up to 5 tris into one 64-bit GBI command (up from 2 tris in F3DEX2). In any given object, most tris can be drawn with these commands, with only a few at the end drawn with SP2Triangles or SP1Triangle. So, this cuts the triangle portion of display lists roughly in half, saving DRAM traffic and ROM space.
  • New SPAlphaCompareCull command enables culling of triangles whose computed shade alpha values are all below or above a settable threshold. This substantially reduces the performance penalty of cel shading--only tris which "straddle" the cel threshold are drawn twice, the others are only drawn once.
  • A new "hints" system encodes the expected size of the target display list into call, branch, and return DL commands. This allows only the needed number of DL commands in the next DL to be fetched, rather than always fetching full buffers, saving some DRAM traffic (maybe around 100 us per frame). The bits used for this are ignored by HLE.
  • Segment addresses are now resolved relative to other segments (feature by Tharo). This enables a strategy for skipping repeated material DLs: call a segment to run the material, remap the segment in the material to a display list that immediately returns, and so if the material is called again it won't run.
  • Clipped triangles are drawn by minimal overlapping scanlines algorithm; this slightly improves RDP draw time for large tris (max of about 500 us per frame, usually much less or zero).


  • Point lighting has been redesigned. The appearance when a light is close to an object has been improved. Fixed a bug in F3DEX2/ZEX point lighting where a Z component was accidentally doubled in the point lighting calculations. The quadratic point light attenuation factor is now an E3M5 floating-point number. The performance penalty for point lighting has been reduced.
  • Maximum number of directional / point lights raised from 7 to 9. Minimum number of directional / point lights lowered from 1 to 0 (F3DEX2 required at least one). Also supports loading all lights in one DMA transfer (SPSetLights), rather than one per light.
  • New SPLightToRDP family of commands (e.g. SPLightToPrimColor) writes a selectable RDP command (e.g. DPSetPrimColor) with the RGB color of a selectable light (any including ambient). The alpha channel and any other parameters are encoded in the command. With some limitations, this allows the tint colors of cel shading to match scene lighting with no code intervention. Also useful for other lighting-dependent effects.


F3DEX3 introduces a suite of performance profiling capabilities. These take the form of performance counters, which report cycle counts for various operations or the number of items processed of a given type. There are far too many counters for a single microcode to maintain, so multiple configurations of the microcode can be built, each containing a different set of performance counters. These can be swapped while the game is running so the full set of counters can be effectively accessed over multiple frames.

There are a total of 21 performance counters, including:

  • Counts of vertices, triangles, rectangles, matrices, DL commands, etc.
  • Times the microcode was processing vertices, processing triangles, stalled because the RDP FIFO in DMEM was full, and stalled waiting for DMAs to finish
  • A counter enabling a rough measurement of how long the RDP was stalled waiting for RDRAM for I/O to the framebuffer / Z buffer

The default configuration of F3DEX3 provides a few of the most basic counters. The additional profiling configurations, called A, B, and C (for example F3DEX3_BrZ_PA), provide additional counters, but have two default features removed to make space for the profiling. These two features were selected because their removal do not affect the RDP render time.

  • The SPLightToRDP commands are removed (they become no-ops)
  • Flat shading mode, i.e. !G_SHADING_SMOOTH, is removed (all tris are smooth)

Porting Your Romhack Codebase to F3DEX3

For an OoT codebase, only a few minor changes are required to use F3DEX3. However, more changes are recommended to increase performance and enable new features.

Select the correct version of F3DEX3 for your game: use make F3DEX3_BrW if the microcode is replacing F3DZEX (i.e. OoT or MM), otherwise make F3DEX3_BrZ if the microcode is replacing F3DEX2 or an earlier F3D version (i.e. SM64). This controls whether SPBranchLessZ* uses the vertex's W coordinate or screen Z coordinate.

How to modify the microcode in your HackerOoT based romhack (steps may be similar for other games):

  • Replace include/ultra64/gbi.h in your romhack with gbi.h from this repo.
  • Make the "Required Changes" listed below.
  • Build this repo: install the latest version of armips, then make F3DEX3_BrZ or make F3DEX3_BrW.
  • Copy the microcode binaries (build/F3DEX3_X/F3DEX3_X.code and build/F3DEX3_X/ to somewhere in your romhack repo, e.g. data.
  • In data/rsp.rodata.s, change the line between fifoTextStart and fifoTextEnd to .incbin "data/F3DEX3_X.code" (or wherever you put the binary), and similarly change the line between fifoDataStart and fifoDataEnd to .incbin "data/". After both the fifoTextEnd and fifoDataEnd labels, add a line .balign 16.
  • If you are planning to ever update the microcode binaries in the future, add the following to the Makefile of your romhack, after the section starting with build/data/%.o (i.e. two lines after that, with a blank line before and after): build/data/rsp.rodata.o: data/F3DEX3_X.code data/ It is not a mistake that this new line you are adding won't have a second indented line after it; it is like the message_data_static lines below that. This will tell make to rebuild rsp.rodata.o, which includes the microcode binaries, whenever they are changed.
  • Clean and build your romhack (make clean, make).
  • Test your romhack and confirm that everything works as intended.
  • Make as many of the "Recommended changes" listed below as possible.
  • If you start using new features in F3DEX3, make the "Changes required for new features" listed below.

Required Changes

Both OoT and SM64:

  • Remove uses of internal GBI features which have been removed in F3DEX3 (see "C GBI Compatibility" section below for full list). In OoT, the only changes needed are:
    • In src/code/ucode_disas.c, remove the switch statement cases for G_LINE3D, G_MW_CLIP, G_MV_MATRIX, G_MVO_LOOKATX, G_MVO_LOOKATY, and G_MW_PERSPNORM.
    • In src/libultra/gu/lookathil.c, remove the lines which set the col, colc, and pad fields.
  • Change your game engine lighting code to set the type (formerly pad1) field to 0 in the initialization of any directional light (Light_t and derived structs like Light or Lightsn). F3DEX3 ignores the state of the G_LIGHTING_POSITIONAL geometry mode bit in all display lists, meaning both directional and point lights are supported for all display lists (including vanilla). The light is identified as directional if type == 0 or point if kc > 0 (kc and type are the same byte). This change is required because otherwise garbage nonzero values may be put in the padding byte, leading directional lights to be misinterpreted as point lights.
    • The change needed in OoT is: in src/code/z_lights.c, in Lights_BindPoint, Lights_BindDirectional, and Lights_NewAndDraw, set l.type to 0 right before setting l.col.

SM64 only:

  • If you are using the vanilla lighting system where light directions are always fixed, the vanilla permanent light direction of {0x28, 0x28, 0x28} must be changed to {0x49, 0x49, 0x49}, or everything will be too dark. The former vector is not properly normalized, but F3D through F3DEX2 normalize light directions in the microcode, so it doesn't matter with those microcodes. In contrast, F3DEX3 normalizes vertex normals (after transforming them), but assumes light directions have already been normalized.
  • Matrix stack fix (world space lighting / view matrix in VP instead of in M) is basically required. If you really want camera space lighting, use matrix stack fix, transform the fixed camera space light direction by V inverse each frame, and send that to the RSP. This will be faster than the alternative (not using matrix stack fix and enabling G_NORMALS_MODE_AUTO to correct the matrix).

Recommended Changes (Non-Lighting)

  • Clean up any code using the deprecated, hacky SPLookAtX and SPLookAtY to use SPLookAt instead (this is only a few lines change). Also remove any code which writes SPClipRatio or SPForceMatrix--these are now no-ops, so you might as well not write them.
  • Avoid using G_MTX_MUL in SPMatrix. That is, make sure your game engine computes a matrix stack on the CPU and sends the final matrix for each object / limb to the RSP, rather than multiplying matrices on the RSP. OoT already usually does the former for precision / accuracy reasons and only uses G_MTX_MUL in a couple places (e.g. view * perspective matrix); it is okay to leave those. This change is recommended because the G_MTX_MUL mode of SPMatrix has been moved to Overlay 4 in F3DEX3 (see below), making it substantially slower than it was in F3DEX2. It still functions the same though so you can use it if it's really needed.
  • Re-export as many display lists (scenes, objects, skeletons, etc.) as possible with fast64 set to F3DEX3 mode, to take advantage of the substantially larger vertex buffer, triangle packing commands, "hints" system, etc.
  • #define REQUIRE_SEMICOLONS_AFTER_GBI_COMMANDS (at the top of, or before including, the GBI) for a more modern, OoT-style codebase where uses of GBI commands require semicolons after them. SM64 omits the semicolons sometimes, e.g. gSPDisplayList(gfx++, foo) gSPEndDisplayList(gfx++);. If you are using -Wpedantic, using this define is required.
  • Once everything in your romhack is ported to F3DEX3 and everything is stable, #define NO_SYNCS_IN_TEXTURE_LOADS (at the top of, or before including, the GBI) and fix any crashes or graphical issues that arise. Display lists exported from fast64 already do not contain these syncs, but vanilla display lists or custom ones using the texture loading multi-command macros do. Disabling the syncs saves a few percent of RDP cycles for each material setup; what percentage this is of the total RDP time depends on how many triangles are typically drawn between each material change. For more information, see the GBI documentation near this define.

Recommended Changes (Lighting)

  • Change your game engine lighting code to load all lights in one DMA transfer with SPSetLights, instead of one-at-a-time with repeated SPLight commands. Note that if you are using a pointer (dynamically allocated) rather than a direct variable (statically allocated), you need to dereference it; see the docstring for this macro in the GBI.
  • If you still need to use SPLight somewhere after this, use SPLight only for directional / point lights and use SPAmbient for ambient lights. Directional / point lights are 16 bytes and ambient are 8, and the first 8 bytes are the same for both types, so normally it's okay to use SPLight instead of SPAmbient to write ambient lights too. However, the memory space reserved for lights in the microcode is 16*9+8 bytes, so if you have 9 directional / point lights and then use SPLight to write the ambient light, it will overflow the buffer by 8 bytes and corrupt memory.
  • Once you have made the above change for SPAmbient, increase the maximum number of lights in your engine from 7 to 9.
  • Consider setting lights once before rendering a scene and all actors, rather than setting lights before rendering each actor. OoT does the latter to emulate point lights in a scene with a directional light recomputed per actor. You can now just send those to the RSP as real point lights, regardless of whether the display lists are vanilla or new.
  • If you are porting a game which already had point lighting (e.g. Majora's Mask), note that the point light kc, kl, and kq factors have been changed, so you will need to redesign how game engine light parameters (e.g. "light radius") map to these parameters.

Changes Required for New Features

Each of these changes is required if you want to use the respective new feature, but is not necessary if you are not using it.

  • For Fresnel and specular lighting: Whenever your code sends camera properties to the RSP (VP matrix, viewport, etc.), also send the camera world position to the RSP with SPCameraWorld. For OoT, this is not trivial because the game rendering creates and sets the view matrix in the main DL, then renders the game contents, then updates the camera, and finally retroactively modifies the view matrix at the beginning of the main DL. See the code in cpu/camera.c.
  • For specular lighting: Set the size field of any Light_t and PosLight_t to an appropriate value based on the game engine parameters for that light.
  • For the occlusion plane: Bring the code from cpu/occlusionplane.c into your game and follow the included instructions.
  • For the performance counters: See cpu/counters.c.

Backwards Compatibility with F3DEX2

C GBI Compatibility

F3DEX3 is backwards compatible with F3DEX2 at the C GBI level for all features and commands except:

  • The G_SPECIAL_* command IDs have been removed. G_SPECIAL_2 and G_SPECIAL_3 were no-ops in F3DEX2, and G_SPECIAL_1 was a trigger to recalculate the MVP matrix. There is no MVP matrix in F3DEX3 so this is useless.
  • G_LINE3D (and Gfx.line) has been removed. This command did not actually work in F3DEX2 (it behaved as a no-op).
  • G_MW_CLIP has been removed, and SPClipRatio has been converted into a no-op. Clipping is handled differently in F3DEX3 and the clip ratio cannot be changed from 2.
  • G_MV_MATRIX, G_MW_MATRIX, and G_MW_FORCEMTX have been removed, and SPForceMatrix has been converted into a no-op. This is because there is no MVP matrix in F3DEX3.
  • G_MV_POINT has been removed. This was not used in any command; it would have likely been used for debugging to copy vertices from DMEM to examine them. This does not affect SPModifyVertex, which is still supported.
  • G_MW_PERSPNORM has been removed; SPPerspNormalize is still supported but is encoded differently, no longer using this define.
  • G_MVO_LOOKATX and G_MVO_LOOKATY have been removed, and SPLookAtX and SPLookAtY are deprecated. SPLookAtX has been changed to set both directions and SPLookAtY has been converted to a no-op. To set the lookat directions, use SPLookAt. The lookat directions are now in one 8-byte DMA word, so they must always be set at the same time as each other. Most of the non-functional fields (e.g. color) of LookAt and its sub-types have been removed, so code which accesses these fields needs to change. Code which only accesses lookat directions should be compatible with no changes.
  • As discussed above, the pad1 field of Light_t is renamed to type and must be set to zero.
  • If you do not raise the maximum number of lights from 7 to 9, the lighting GBI commands are backwards compatible. However, if you do raise the number of lights, you must use SPAmbient to write the ambient light, as discussed above. Note that you can now load all your lights with one command, SPSetLights, so it is not usually necessary to use SPLight and SPAmbient at all.

Binary Display List Compatibility

F3DEX3 is generally binary backwards compatible with OoT-style display lists for objects, scenes, etc. It is not compatible at the binary level with SM64-style display lists which encode object colors as light colors, as all the command encodings related to lighting have changed. Of course, if you recompile these display lists with the new gbi.h, it can run them.

The deprecated commands mentioned above in the C GBI section have had their encodings changed (the original encodings will do bad things / crash). In addition, all lighting-related commands--e.g. gdSPDefLights*, SPNumLights, SPLight, SPLightColor, SPLookAt--have had their encodings changed, making them binary incompatible. The lighting data structures, e.g. Light_t, PosLight_t, LookAt_t, Lightsn, Lights*, PosLights*, etc., have also changed--generally only slightly, so most code is compatible with no changes.

SPSegment has been given a different command id (G_RELSEGMENT vs. G_MOVEWORD) to facilitate relative segmented address translation. The original binary encoding is still valid, but does not support relative translation like the new encoding. However, recompiling with the C GBI will always use the new encoding.

What are the tradeoffs for all these new features?

Vertex Processing RSP Time

The vertex processing algorithm in F3DEX3 is redesigned compared to F3DEX2, which enables several of the new graphical features in F3DEX3 as well as the 56 vertex buffer. With the new algorithm, the RSP takes significantly longer to process vertices in F3DEX3, especially vertices without lighting or with a very small number of directional lights. Note that this is RSP cycles only, not RDP cycles or DRAM traffic.

Overlay 4

F3DEX2 contains Overlay 2, which does lighting, and Overlay 3, which does clipping (run on any large triangle which extends a large distance offscreen). These overlays are more RSP assembly code which are loaded into the same space in IMEM. If the wrong overlay is loaded when the other is needed, the proper one is loaded and then code jumps to it. Display lists which do not use lighting can stay on Overlay 3 at all times. Display lists for things that are typically relatively small on screen, such as characters, can stay on Overlay 2 at all times, because even when a triangle overlaps the edge of the screen, it typically moves fully off the screen and is discarded before it reaches the clipping bounds (2x the screen size).

In F3DEX2, the only case where the overlays are swapped frequently is for scenes with lighting, because they have large triangles which often extend far offscreen (Overlay 3) but also need lighting (Overlay 2). Worst case, the RSP will load Overlay 2 once for every SPVertex command and then load Overlay 3 for every set of SP*Triangle* commands.

(If you're curious, Overlays 0 and 1 are not related to 2 and 3, and have to do with starting and stopping RSP tasks. During normal display list execution, Overlay 1 is always loaded.)

F3DEX3 introduces Overlay 4, which can occupy the same IMEM as Overlay 2 and 3. This overlay contains handlers for:

  • Computing the inverse transpose of the model matrix M (abbreviated as mIT), discussed below
  • The codepath for SPMatrix with G_MTX_MUL set
  • SPBranchLessZ*
  • SPDma_io

Whenever any of these features is needed, the RSP has to swap to Overlay 4. The next time lighting or clipping is needed, the RSP has to then swap back to Overlay 2 or 3. The round-trip of these two overlay loads takes about 5 microseconds of DRAM time including overheads. Fortunately, all the above features other than the mIT matrix are rarely or never used.

The mIT matrix is needed in F3DEX3 because normals are covectors--they stretch in the opposite direction of an object's scaling. So while you multiply a vertex by M to transform it from model space to world space, you have to multiply a normal by M inverse transpose to go to world space. F3DEX2 solves this problem by instead transforming light directions into model space with M transpose, and computing the lighting in model space. However, this requires extra DMEM to store the transformed lights, and adds an additional performance penalty for point lighting which is absent in F3DEX3. Plus, having world space normals in F3DEX3 enables Fresnel and specular lighting.

If an object's transformation matrix stack only includes translations, rotations, and uniform scale (i.e. same scale in X, Y, and Z), then M inverse transpose is just a rescaled version of M, and the normals can be transformed with M directly. It is only when the matrix includes nonuniform scales or shear that M inverse transpose differs from M. The difference gets larger as the scale or shear gets more extreme.

F3DEX3 provides three options for handling this (see SPNormalsMode):

  • G_NORMALS_MODE_FAST: Use M to transform normals. No performance penalty. Lighting will be somewhat distorted for objects with nonuniform scale or shear.
  • G_NORMALS_MODE_AUTO: The RSP will automatically compute M inverse transpose whenever M changes. Costs about 3.5 microseconds of DRAM time per matrix, i.e. per object or skeleton limb which has lighting enabled. Lighting is correct for nonuniform scale or shear.
  • G_NORMALS_MODE_MANUAL: You compute M inverse transpose on the CPU and manually upload it to the RSP every time M changes.

It is recommended to use G_NORMALS_MODE_FAST (the default) for most things, and use G_NORMALS_MODE_AUTO only for objects while they currently have a nonuniform scale (e.g. Mario only while he is squashed).

Optimizing for RSP code size

A number of over-zealous optimizations in F3DEX2 which saved a few cycles but took several more instructions have been removed. This has a very small impact on overall RSP time and no impact on RDP time.

Far clipping removal

Far clipping is completely removed in F3DEX3. Far clipping is not intentionally used for performance or aesthetic reasons in levels in vanilla SM64 or OoT, though it can be seen in certain extreme cases. However, it is used on the SM64 title screen for the zoom-in on Mario's face, so this will look slightly different.

The removal of far clipping saved a bunch of DMEM space, and enabled other changes to the clipping implementation which saved even more DMEM space.

NoN (No Nearclipping) is also mandatory in F3DEX3, though this was already the microcode option used in OoT.

Removal of scaled vertex normals

A few clever romhackers figured out that you could shrink the normals on verts in your mesh (so their length is less than "1") to make the lighting on those verts dimmer and create a version of ambient occlusion. F3DEX3 normalizes vertex normals after transforming them, which is required for most features of the lighting system including packed normals, so this no longer works. However, F3DEX3 has support for ambient occlusion via vertex alpha, which accomplishes the same goal with some extra benefits:

  • Much easier to create: just paint the vertex alpha in Blender / fast64. The scaled normals approach was not supported in fast64 and had to be done with scripts or by hand.
  • The amount of ambient occlusion in F3DEX3 can be set at runtime based on scene lighting, whereas the scaled normals approach is baked into the mesh.
  • F3DEX3 can have the vertex alpha affect ambient, directional, and point lights by different amounts, which is not possible with scaled normals. In fact, scaled normals never affect the ambient light, contrary to the concept of ambient occlusion.

Furthermore, for partial HLE compatibility, the same mesh can have the ambient occlusion information encoded in both scaled normals and vertex alpha at the same time. HLE will ignore the vertex alpha AO but use the scaled normals; F3DEX3 will fix the normals' scale but then apply the AO.

The only case where scaled normals work but F3DEX3 AO doesn't work is for meshes with vertex alpha actually used for transparency (therefore also no fog).

RDP temporary buffers shrinking

In FIFO versions of F3DEX2, there are two DMEM buffers to hold RDP commands generated by the microcode, which are swapped and copied to the FIFO in DRAM. These each had the capacity of two-and-a-fraction full-size triangle commands (i.e. triangles with shade, texture, and Z-buffer). For short commands (e.g. texture loads, color combiner, etc.) there is a slight performance gain from having longer buffers in DMEM which are swapped to DRAM less frequently. And, if a substantial portion of triangles were rendered without shade or texture such that three tris could fit per buffer, being able to fit the three tris would also slightly improve performance. However, in practice, the vast majority of the FIFO is occupied by full-size tris, so the buffers are effectively only two tris in size because a third tri can't fit. So, their size has been reduced to two tris, saving a substantial amount of DMEM.

Segment 0

Segment 0 is now reserved: ensure segment 0 is never set to anything but 0x00000000. In F3DEX2 and prior this was only a good idea (and SM64 and OoT always follow this); in F3DEX3 segmented addresses are now resolved relative to other segments. That is, gsSPSegment(0x08, 0x07001000) sets segment 8 to the base address of segment 7 with an additional offset of 0x1000. So for correct behavior when supplying a direct-mapped or physical address such as 0x80101000, segment 0 must always be 0x00000000 so that this address resolves to e.g. 0x101000 as expected in this example.

Obscure semantic differences from F3DEX2 that should never matter in practice

  • SPLoadUcode* corrupts the current M inverse transpose matrix state. If using G_NORMALS_MODE_FAST, this doesn't matter. If using G_NORMALS_MODE_AUTO, you must send the M matrix to the RSP again after returning to F3DEX3 from the other microcode (which would normally be done anyway when starting to draw the next object). If using G_NORMALS_MODE_MANUAL, you must send the updated M inverse transpose matrix to the RSP after returning to F3DEX3 from the other microcode (which would normally be done anyway when starting to draw the next object).
  • Changing fog settings--i.e. enabling or disabling G_FOG in the geometry mode or executing SPFogFactor or SPFogPosition--between loading verts and drawing tris with those verts will lead to incorrect fog values for those tris. In F3DEX2, the fog settings at vertex load time would always be used, even if they were changed before drawing tris.


To help debug lighting issues, add CFG_DEBUG_NORMALS to the OPTIONS := line of your selected microcode version in the Makefile (near the bottom), then make clean and make again. This feature causes the vertex colors of any material with lighting enabled to be set to the transformed, normalized world space normals. The X, Y, and Z components map to R, G, and B, with each dimension's conceptual (-1.0 ... 1.0) range mapped to (0 ... 255). This also breaks vertex alpha and texgen / lookat.

Some ways to use this for debugging are:

  • If the normals have obvious problems (e.g. flickering, or not changing smoothly as the object rotates / animates), there is likely a problem with the model space normals or the M matrix. Conversely, if there is a problem with the standard lighting results (e.g. flickering) but the normals don't have this problem, the problem is likely in the lighting data.
  • Check that the colors don't change based on the camera position, but DO change as the object rotates, so that the same side of an object in world space is always the same color.
  • Make a simple object like an octahedron or sphere, view it in game, and check that the normals are correct. A normal pointing along +X would be (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), meaning (255, 128, 128) or pink. A normal pointing along -X would be (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), meaning (0, 128, 128) or dark cyan. Bright, fully saturated colors like green (0, 255, 0), yellow (255, 255, 0), or black should never appear as these would correspond to impossibly long normals.
  • Make the same object (octahedron is easiest in this case) with vertex colors which match what the normals should be, and compare them.


F3DEX3 modifications from F3DEX2 are by Sauraen and are dedicated to the public domain. cpu/ C code is entirely by Sauraen and also dedicated to the public domain.

If you use F3DEX3 in a romhack, please credit "F3DEX3 Microcode - Sauraen" in your project's in-game Staff Roll or wherever other contributors to your project are credited.

Other credits:

  • Wiseguy: large chunk of F3DEX2 disassembly documentation and first version of build system
  • Tharo: relative segment resolution feature, other feature discussions
  • Kaze Emanuar: several feature suggestions, testing
  • thecozies: Fresnel feature suggestion
  • neoshaman: feature discussions


Modern microcode for N64 romhacks. Will make you want to finally ditch HLE.






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  • C 61.3%
  • Assembly 36.8%
  • Makefile 1.6%
  • Shell 0.3%