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Pet-Frontier 宠物前线 [Live Demo]

PetFrontier is a website where users can create and review petshops. In order to review or create a petshop, you must have an account. This project was the petshop version of Yelp.


Getting Started 开始

Following instructions you will get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. Also, you can visit the link to see the live demo.


Prerequisites 条件

  • Account in MongoDB (For storing the user data) *MongoDB账号 (储存用户数据)
  • Account in Cloudinay (For uploading files and images) *Cloudinay账号 (上传图片)
  • Account in Amap (For using map features) *高德地图开放平台账号 (地图功能展示)
  • Account in QQMail (For sending password reset emails) *QQ邮箱账号 (发送密码重置邮件)

Installing 安装

  • In order to run the code you must have the following dependencies first. *运行代码之前请安装依赖包
    • async, cloudinary, connect-flash, connect-mongo, cors, dotenv, ejs, ejs-mate, express, express-mongo-sanitize, express-session, helmet, joi, method-override, moment, mongoose, mongoose-paginate-v2, multer, multer-storage-cloudinary, node-fetch, nodemailer, passport, passport-local, passport-local-mongoose, sanitize-html
  • To run the app *运行代码
  * npm init
    * npm install "whichever is not present" --save eg. npm install express body-parser dotenv --save
    * node app.js 

Technologies Used 核心技术

  • Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Back End: NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, PassportJS, MongoDB

Project Module 核心模块

  • Petshop - Create Petshop, Read Petshop, Update Petshop, Delete Petshop *创建、查看、修改、删除宠物店
  • Review - Create Review, Read Review, Delete Review *创建、查看、删除评价
  • User - Sign up, Login, Reset Password, Update Profile *用户注册、登录、密码重置、个人主页
    • User With Admin Code - can update or delete other users' petshops and reviews *管理员权限:可修改、删除一切内容
    • User Without Admin Code - can only update or delete their own petshops and reviews * 非管理员权限:只可修改、删除个人创建的内容

Constraint 限制

  • No create, update and delete option without login in to website. *登录后才可以创建、修改、更新内容

Live Demo 展示

  • Please visit this [Live Demo] *点击链接查看网页展示
  • You can also view the demo video on [Bilibili link] *点击链接查看B站视频演示

ScreenShot 截图

Demo_1 Demo_2

Author 作者

  • Xindi Shang

Future Scope 待改进

  • Sort petshops by location/rating *增加筛选条件
  • Add image upload constraints *增加图片上传限制