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Introductory examples for Vitis HLS

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C/C++ synthesizable examples

Each example comes with C/C++ source code, a README, and script or config file. The examples are organized in categories denoted by the directory names:

  • Appnotes: A DSP design, a legacy digital up converter appnote.
  • Array: Show how to partition memory arrays.
  • Interface: Common examples for interface protocols.
  • Misc.: Other examples such as the RTL blackbox flow and the LogiCore FFT from Vivado.
  • Modelling: The essentials for loops, arbitrary precision types and vectors.
  • Pipelining: Illustrating one of the most fundamental concept of HLS.
  • Task_Level_Parallelism: Dataflow and free running streams with hls::task.
  • Vitis: Kernel examples for the software acceleration flow.

Running the examples at the command line

  • Using Vitis Unified IDE:
    • vitis-run --mode hls --tcl run_hls.tcl
  • Using Vitis HLS (deprecated):
    • vitis_hls -f run_hls.tcl

Note that by default only C simulation and C synthesis will run. Change the value of hls_exec in the Tcl script to run co-simulation and Vivado implementation.