👋 Hello! My name is Louis D'Hont. I am 24 years old and I live in Belgium. I am a passionate programmer, an electronics hobbyist and I'm a junior software Engineer. I finished my Bachelors degree in Computer Science @Odisee. I find it fantastic to help improve projects and to further develop my technology skills.
I am currently working as a software engineer at Trensition where I do research into NLP and write software. I have been developing software since is was 12, I learned myself developing software with an understanding of the basic principles of programming at low and high-end level coding. Checkout my company Xevro where you can find my software programs.
const louis = {
Age: new Date().getFullYear() - 2000,
Cleancoder: true,
Main-programming-languages: ["python", "PHP", "Javascript", "TypeScript"],
Languages: {
Java: ["jSerialComm", "SE 15"],
C#: [".NET CORE", "LINQ"],
JavaScript: ["NodeJS", "ExpressJS", "TypeScript", "ParseJS"],
PHP: ["Laravel", "Blade", "Twig"],
CSS: ["SCSS", "Bootstrap", "Tailwind", "Clarity"],
Python: ["Pandas", "Jupyter Notebook", "Numpy", "Tensorflow"],
Frameworks: ["Angular", "Ionic", "React Native", "Vue", "Svelte", "Laravel"],
Other: {
Container_environments: ["Docker"],
Favorite_operating_systems: "macOS"
Experiences: {
Company: "Xevro",
Software_information: "Arduino simulator software",
Gentrepreneur_awards: {
Year: "2021",
Status: "Finalist (4 selected schools)"
Job_interests: ["Full Stack developer", "ML Engineer", "Software Engineer", "R&D Engineer"],
Tools: ["PyCharm", "Visual Studio Code", "Docker", "Netbeans"],
This design is inspired by Elian Van Cutsem, checkout his awesome profile!