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C++ header-only library to create classe factories registered by name.

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C++ header-only library to create classe factories registered by name.

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Basic usage

Given an interface:

    class Shape {
      virtual ~Shape() {}
      virtual void Draw() const = 0;

The framework allows to annotate with REGISTER macro any subclass:

    class Circle : public Shape {
      REGISTER("Circle", Shape);
       void Draw() const override { ... }

The first parameter of the macro can be any string and does not have to match the name of the class:

    class Rect : public Shape {
      REGISTER("Rectangle", Shape);
      void Draw() const override { ... }

Note that the annotation is done only inside the derived classes. Nothing needs to be added to the Shape class, and no declaration other than the Shape class need to be done. The annotation can be put inside the private, protected or public section of the class. The annotation adds not bytes to the class, whose size is equal to the class would have without the annotation.

With the annotation, a Shape instance can be created from a string:

    std::unique_ptr<Shape> shape = Registry<Shape>::New("Rect");
    shape->Draw();  // will draw a rectangle!

The function returns a unique_ptr<> which makes ownership clear and simple. If no class is registered, it will return a null unique_ptr<>. The CanNew() predicate can be used to check if New() would succeed without actually creating an instance.

Advanced usage

The basic usage considered classes with parameter-less constructor. The REGISTER macro can also be used with classes taking arbitrary parameters. For example, shapes with injectable parameters can be registered using REGISTER macro with extra parameters matching the constructor signature:

    class Ellipsis : public Shape {
      REGISTER("Ellipsis", Shape, const std::string&);
      explicit Ellipsis(const std::string& params) { ... }
      void Draw() const override { ... }

The class can be instantiated using Registry<> with extra parameters matching the constructor signature:

    auto shape = Registry<Shape, const string&>::New("Ellipsis");
    shape->Draw();  // will draw a circle!

One very interesting benefit of this approach is that client code can extend the supported types without editing the base class or any of the existing registered classes. The code below simply test if a class can be instantiated with a parameter, and otherwise tries to instantiate without parameters:

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      for (int i = 1; i + 1 < argc; i += 2) {
        const std::string key = argv[i];
        const std::string params = argv[i + 1];
        if (Registry<Shape, const std::string &>::CanNew(key, params)) {
          Registry<Shape, const std::string &>::New(key, params)->Draw();
        } else if (Registry<Shape>::CanNew(key)) {

Additionally, it is possible to register a class with different constructors so it works with old client code that only uses Registry and new client code like the one above:

   class Ellipsis : public Shape {
    REGISTER("Ellipsis", Shape);
    REGISTER("Ellipsis", Shape, const std::string&);

    explicit Ellipsis(const std::string& params = "") { ... }
    void Draw() const override { ... }


When testing client code using registered classes, it may be not desired to actually instantiate real classes. If the Draw() implementations for example require a graphic context to be active, calling those functions in an offscreen automated test will fail. Injectors can be used to temporarily replace registered classes by arbitrary factories:

    class FakeShape : public Shape {
      void Draw() override {}
    TEST(Draw, WorkingCase) {
      const Registry<Shape>::Injector injectors[] =
        Registry<Shape>::Injector("Circle", []{ return new FakeShape});
        Registry<Shape>::Injector("Rectangle", []{ return new FakeShape});
        Registry<Shape>::Injector("Circle", []{ return new FakeShape});

Note that it may be necessary to specify the return type of lambda function for code to compile as in [] -> Shape* { return .... }.

Injectors can also be used to define global or local name alias, as illustrated by the example REGISTER_ALIAS macro in this file.

  REGISTER_ALIAS(Shape, "Rectangle", "Rect");

Injectors can also be used as static global variables to perform registration of a class outside of the class, in replacement for the REGISTER macro. This is useful to register classes whose code cannot be edited.


Classes registered with the REGISTER macro can know the key under which they are registered. The following code:


will return the string "Circle". This works on object classes, passed as template parameter to GetKeyFor(), and not on object instances. So there is no such functionality as:

    std::unique_ptr<Shape> shape = new Circle();
    std::cout << Registry<Vehicle>::GetKeyFor(*shape); // Not implemented

as it would require runtime type identification. It is possible to extend the framework to support it though, by storing type_info objects in the registry.

The Registry<> class can also be used to list all keys that are registered, along with the filename and line number at which the registration is defined. It does not list though the type associated to the key. Here again, it is pretty easy to extend the framework to provide such functionality using type_info objects.

Even though not necessary, one can define intermediate macros to reduce boilerplate code even more. For the Shape example above, one could define:


with which the Ellipsis class above would simply be written:

    class Ellipsis : public Shape {
      REGISTER_SHAPE(Ellipsis, const std::string &);



The code requires a C++11 compliant compiler.

The code relies on the a GNU preprocessor feature for variadic macros:

    #define MACRO(x, opt...) call(x, ##opt)

which extends to call(x) when opt is empty and call(x, ...) otherwise.

None of the static methods of Registry<> can be called from a global static, as it would result in an initialization order fiasco.

Features summary

  • Header-only library
  • No need to declare registration ahead on the base class, which means header need to be included only in files declaring subclasses that register themselves.
  • Registration is done via a macro called inside the declaration of the class, which reduces boilerplate code, and incidentally makes the registration name available to the class.
  • Single macro supports constructors with arbitrary number of arguments.
  • Class can be registered for different constructors, making it easy to implement logic that try to instantiate an object from different parameters.
  • Builtin mechanism to override registered classes, making dependency injection e.g. for tests very easy.


C++ header-only library to create classe factories registered by name.






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