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This bundle allows you to provide job scheduling via a list of jobs configured within a DBAL store.

Jobs can be created for once-only jobs as well as repeating jobs based on a cron expression. The bundle features an admin interface for management of the scheduled commands as well as via the CommandScheduler class.


1) Add XactCommandScheduler to your project

composer require xactsystems/command-scheduler

2) Create the scheduler table

php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

3) Add the routes for the scheduler admin views


    resource: "@XactCommandSchedulerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

4) Use the admin views

Browse to http:https://my-project/command-scheduler/list

5) Run the command scheduler

php bin/console xact:command-scheduler

The command accepts the following options:

  • --max-runtime=nnn Sets the maximum length in seconds the scheduler will run for. 0 (default) runs forever.
  • --idle-time=nnn Sets the number of seconds the scheduler sleeps for when the command queue is empty. Defaults to 5.

Manage the scheduler via code

Add a scheduled command

use Xact\CommandScheduler\Scheduler\CommandScheduler;
use Xact\CommandScheduler\Entity\ScheduledCommand;
use Cron\CronExpression;

public function myControllerAction(CommandScheduler $scheduler)
    $scheduledCommand = new ScheduledCommand();
    $scheduledCommand->setDescription('My daily command');
    $scheduledCommand->setCommand( 'app:my-daily-command' );
    $scheduledCommand->setCronExpression( CronExpression::factory('@daily') );
    $scheduledCommand->setPriority(5);  // Defaults to 1
    $scheduler->add( $scheduledCommand );

Disable a command

use Xact\CommandScheduler\Scheduler\CommandScheduler;
use Xact\CommandScheduler\Entity\ScheduledCommand;

public function myControllerAction(int $commandId, CommandScheduler $scheduler)

Run a command immediately

use Xact\CommandScheduler\Scheduler\CommandScheduler;
use Xact\CommandScheduler\Entity\ScheduledCommand;

public function myControllerAction(int $commandId, CommandScheduler $scheduler)

Delete a command

use Xact\CommandScheduler\Scheduler\CommandScheduler;
use Xact\CommandScheduler\Entity\ScheduledCommand;

public function myControllerAction(int $commandId, CommandScheduler $scheduler)

Get a list of active commands

use Xact\CommandScheduler\Scheduler\CommandScheduler;
use Xact\CommandScheduler\Entity\ScheduledCommand;

public function myControllerAction(CommandScheduler $scheduler)
    $commands = $scheduler->getActive();
    foreach ($commands as $command) {

Creating commands via the CommandSchedulerFactory

When using the factory, you can set the the configuration values for the following command settings:


    clear_data: ~          # Defaults to true
    retry_on_fail: ~       # Defaults to false
    retry_delay: ~         # Defaults to 60
    retry_max_attempts: ~  # Defaults to 60

You can then use the factory methods to create your scheduled commands. The configured parameters above will be set on commands created via factory methods unless overwritten in the method calls:

use Xact\CommandScheduler\CommandSchedulerFactory;

class MyController extends AbstractController
    private CommandSchedulerFactory $commandFactory;

    public function __controller(CommandSchedulerFactory $commandFactory) {
        $this->commandFactory = $commandFactory;

    public function myEmailAction(EntityManagerInterface $em) {
        $myLargeDataObject = 'Some enormous serialized value you want to store in the command and probably delete once the command is complete.';
        $command = $this->commandFactory->createImmediateCommand(
            'My test command',

Factory methods:

     * Create a command to run immediately
     * @param string[]|null $arguments
     * @param bool|null $clearData If null, the configuration value 'clear_data' is used. Default true.
     * @param bool|null $retryOnFail If null, the configuration value 'retry_on_fail' is used. Default false.
     * @param int|null $retryDelay If null, the configuration value 'retry_delay' is used. Default 60.
     * @param int|null $retryMaxAttempts If null, the configuration value 'retry_max_attempts' is used. Default 60.
    public function createImmediateCommand(
        string $description,
        string $command,
        ?array $arguments = null,
        ?string $data = null,
        ?bool $clearData = null,
        ?bool $retryOnFail = null,
        ?int $retryDelay = null,
        ?int $retryMaxAttempts = null
    ): ScheduledCommand {}

     * Create a command scheduled by a CRON expression
     * @param string[]|null $arguments
     * @param bool|null $clearData If null, the configuration value 'clear_data' is used. Default true.
     * @param bool|null $retryOnFail If null, the configuration value 'retry_on_fail' is used. Default false.
     * @param int|null $retryDelay If null, the configuration value 'retry_delay' is used. Default 60.
     * @param int|null $retryMaxAttempts If null, the configuration value 'retry_max_attempts' is used. Default 60.
    public function createCronCommand(
        string $cronExpression,
        string $description,
        string $command,
        ?array $arguments = null,
        ?string $data = null,
        ?bool $clearData = null,
        ?bool $retryOnFail = null,
        ?int $retryDelay = null,
        ?int $retryMaxAttempts = null
    ): ScheduledCommand {}

Cron notes

The bundle uses dragonmantank/cron-expression CronExpression class to determine run times and you can use the non-standard pre-defined scheduling definitions. See Cron Format for more details.



This bundle is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: