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License: MIT Build Status Codacy Badge


  • Easy to use regression library for .Net Core applications
  • Flexible data preprocessing
  • Fast single/multi threaded optimisation
  • Reliable data prediction
  • Good data clustering
  • Unit test all calculation based methods
  • Minimal dependancies (currently just Newtonsoft.Json)


From Nuget

  • dotnet add package EasyRegression.NET

From Source

  • Clone this repository: git clone
  • Restore dependancies: dotnet restore
  • Build source: dotnet build
  • Run tests: dotnet test EasyRegression.Test/

To create a release version with dependancies:

  • dotnet publish EasyRegression.Core -c Release
  • The release dll will then be in ./EasyRegression.Core/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/publish


EasyRegression requires a jagged double array of input values x and a double array of output values y. The x values can be nullable doubles, for cases where there is missing data, as these values will be filled during preprocessing.

using EasyRegression.Core;


// x is either double[][] or double?[][]
// y is double[]
// x will be preprocessed before training begins
double[][] x;
double[] y;

// Create a training data model from the x and y data
var trainingData = new TrainingModel<double>(x, y);

// Create an instance of the LinearRegressionEngine class with no parameters
var regressionEngine = new LinearRegressionEngine();

// Train the linear regression engine using real data

// Predict y0 value based on input x0 where x0 is double[] or double?[]
// x0 will be preprocessed before the prediction is made
double y0 = regressionEngine.Predict(x0);

Serialising a trained regression engine allows the user to re-use the same preprocessing parameters and trained regression model for predictions without further training in the future. The Serialise method outputs a json version of the current trained setup as a string, which can then be stored in a file or database for later use.

It is however recommended to train the engine from scratch as new batches of data are added to keep the model as correct and up to data as possible.

// Create and train a linear regression engine as in the previous example
var regression = new LinearRegressionEngine();

// Store the trained regression parameters as json
string json = regressionEngine.Serialise();

// Create a new instance of the LinearRegressionEngine from the serialised json
var newRegressionEngine = LinearRegressionEngine.Deserialise(json);

// Predict y1 value base on input x1
// x1 will be preprocessed the same as x0 was before predicting
double y1 = newRegressionEngine.Predict(x1);

By default, the regression engine will include a preprocessor that will fill any invalid data (null, nan, infinite) with the mean of that feature across the dataset. It will then "smooth" the data using standardisation.

To change this functionality, a preprocessor instance can be passed into the LinearRegressionEngine using Set methods.

// Create a set of preprocessing plugins to configure the preprocessor
IDataPatcher medianPatcher = new MedianDataPatcher();
IDataFilter standardDeviationFilter = new StandardDeviationFilter();
IDataExpander polynomialExpander = new PolynomialDataExpander(order: 2);
IDataSmoother normaliser = new DataNormaliser();

// Create instance of the Preprocessor class
IPreprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();

// Create instance of LinearRegressionEngine and pass in the custom/configured preprocessor
var regression = new LinearRegressionEngine();

The preprocessor comprises of a data patcher, a data filter, a data expander, and a data smoother.

For the data patcher, the user currently has the choice of patching invalid data with the feature mean, feature median, or zero. If the user doesn't want to use any of these data patchers, and instead wants any data rows containing invalid data to be removed, there will also be a DeletingDataPatcher.

// Create mean data patcher
IDataPatcher meanPatcher = new MeanDataPatcher();

// Create median data patcher
IDataPatcher medianPatcher = new MedianDataPatcher();

// Create zero data patcher
IDataPatcher zeroPatcher = new ZeroDataPatcher();

// Patch input data where data is either Matrix<double> or Matrix<double?>
Matrix<double> patchedData = meanPatcher.Patch(data);

// Pass a specific data patcher into a Preprocessor
IPreprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();

The next step in preprocessing the data is filtering. Here any outliers that match the user's criteria are removed form the dataset. The default is for no data to be filtered, as (for now) the assumption is made that all data is real recorded data, and is valid. If however, the user wished to remove outliers from their data, they currently have the choice of filtering data a multiple of standard deviations away from the column mean, a multiple of the inter quartile range from the upper and lower quartiles, and a multiple of the median absolute deviation of a column of data.

// Create std dev data filter
IDataFilter standardDeviationFilter = new StandardDeviationFilter();
// Set std dev multiple to 2.5 (default 3.0)

// Create iqr data filter
IDataFilter interQuartileRangeFilter = new InterQuartileRangeFilter();
// Set iqr multiple to 2.0 (default 1.5)

// Create mad data filter
IDataFilter medianAbsoluteFilter = new MedianAbsoluteDeviationFilter();
// Set mad multiple to 4.0 (default 4.5)

// Create blank data filter
IDataFilter blankFilter = new BlankDataFilter();

// Create training model from Matrix<double> or double[][] x and double[] y
TrainingModel<double> trainingData = new TrainingModel(x, y);
// Filter input data where data is TrainingModel<double>
TrainingModel<double> filteredData = standardDeviationFilter.Filter(trainingData);

// Pass a specific data filter into a Preprocessor
IPreprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();

The default data expander is InterceptExpander, which currently just adds an intercet column of value 1.0 which doesn't get smoothed like the rest of the data. There is also a PolynominalProductDataExpander, which has the effect of raising each variable to every power up to the input order, and then creates products of all of the polynomial powers. This expands data exponentially as columns and order increase. Similar to the PolynomialProductDataExpander is the PolynomialDataExpander, which expands all values in a row separately up to a specified power. For more customisablility, there is a FunctionDataExpander, that allows a user to choose what functions to use to expand the values in a row of data. Finally, in cases where the user does not want to add an intercept to their data, there is the BlankDataExpander, though this is not recommended.

// Create polynomial product expander with polynomial order 1
// [x0, x1] => [1, x1, x0, x0x1]
IDataExpander polynomialProductExpander = new PolynomialProductDataExpander(order: 1);

// Create polynomial expander with order 2
// [x0, x1] => [1, x0, x0x0, x1, x1x1]
IDataExpander polynomialExpander = new PolynomialDataExpander(order: 2);

//Add custom function to function definitions
PreprocessingDefinitions.DataFunctions.Add("test", x => x + 2);
// Create function expander with custom function, sqrt, and log
// FunctionDataExpander takes an array of strings
// To see all available strings, look at PreprocessingDefinitions.DataFunctions.Keys
// [x0, x1] => [1, x0, x0+2, sqrt(x0), log(x0), x1, x1+2, sqrt(x1), log(x1)]
IDataExpander functionExpander = new FunctionDataExpander(new[] { "test", "sqrt", "log" });

// Create intercept expander
// [x0, x1] => [1, x0, x1]
IDataExpander interceptExpander = new InterceptDataExpander();

// Create blank expander
// [x0, x1] => [x0, x1]
IDataExpander blankExpander = new BlankDataExpander();

// Expand a Matrix<double> of data
// This expander creates huge amounts of data as data.Length and order increase
// Creates Math.Pow(order + 1, data.Length) features
Matrix<double> expandedData = polynomialExpander.Expand(data);

// Pass an expander into a preprocessor
IPreprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();

The user can also currently choose between three data smoothers, one that normalises the data, one that standardises the data, and one that performs no data smoothing. (link)

// Create data normaliser
// X := (x - min) / (max - min)
IDataSmoother normaliser = new DataNormaliser();

// Create data standardiser
// X := (x - 𝜎) / πœ‡
IDataSmoother standardiser = new DataStandardiser();

// Create blank data smoother
// X := x
IDataSmoother blankSmoother = new BlankDataSmoother();

// Smooth input data where data is Matrix<double>
Matrix<double> smoothedData = standardiser.Smooth(data);

// Pass a specific data smoother into a Preprocessor
IPreprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();



Item Completed Tested
Data patching
Mean patching βœ“ βœ“
Median pathing βœ“ βœ“
Zero patching βœ“ βœ“
Data smoothing
Normalisation βœ“ βœ“
Standardisation βœ“ βœ“
Blank smoother βœ“ βœ“
Data expansion
Polynomial product expansion βœ“ βœ“
Polynomial expansion βœ“ βœ“
Function expansion βœ“ βœ“
Intercept expansion βœ“ βœ“
Blank expander βœ“ βœ“
Outlier filtering
IQR multiple from median βœ“ βœ“
Stdev multiple from mean βœ“ βœ“
Median absolute deviation βœ“ βœ“
Blank filter βœ“ βœ“


Item Completed Tested
Linear regression
Batch gradient descent βœ“ βœ“
Stochastic gradient descent - -
Mini-batch descent βœ“ βœ“
Multi threaded BGD - -


Item Completed Tested
Linear regression βœ“ βœ“
Logistic regression - -
K-means clustering - -
Reproducible predictions
Config saving βœ“ βœ“
Config loading βœ“ βœ“