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B.Tech Project On eProcurement using Blockchain - Hyperledger Fabric.

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B.Tech Project On eApproval using Blockchain - Hyperledger Fabric.

  1. System UseCase Diagram
  2. Architecture
  3. System Security
  4. Installation

System UseCase Diagram

  • The System supports basic functionalities,
    • ADD new Request in StateDB.
    • RETRIEVE Requests stored in StateDB.
    • APPROVE | DECLINE Request stored in StateDB.


  1. 4-Tier App Architecture

    • The System has 4 Layers
      • UI
      • API
      • Chaincode
      • Data

  1. Fabric Network

    • The Network has 2 ORGs Each with,
      • 1 Peer
      • 1 CA-Peer
    • An Orderer ORG with 1 Peer
    • 2 API Containers

    • PORT Mapping
      Container Port 7051 9051
      couchdb0 5984
      couchdb1 7984
      ca_peerOrg1 7054
      ca_peerOrg2 9054 7050
      API1 8000
      API2 8001 8080
  2. Chaincode

    • The Chaincode has the following duties,
      • Create a Request & Store into StateDB.
      • Retrieve Request by querying the StateDB.
      • Approve | Decline a Request Stored in the StateDB.

  1. API

    • APIs communicates securely with the chaincode with fabric-node-sdk & also stores the user certificates locally.
    • Both APIs have Endpoints,
      • api/pendingRequests
      • api/approvedRequests
      • api/declinedRequests
      • api/createRequest
      • api/approve
      • api/decline
      • api/query
      • api/invoke
      • api/runRichQuery
      • api/login
      • api/register
    • Both APIs, Returns ORG specific private data.
  2. UI

    • UI triggers the API Endpoints and actuates upon the StateDB via Chaincode.
    • UI has 4 sections,
      • Create Request
      • ORG1 Dashboard
      • ORG2 Dashboard
      • Public Board

System Security

  • The Security is promised via usage of Blockchain.

  • Both the DB instances in this case is always in a synchronous state.

  • But, if we try to make the states of both the DBs asynchronous by manual changes directly into DB, then while endorsing the Txns via Fabric-SDK on both the peers which involves the changes we made, generates different RW(Read-Write) sets and doesn't get ordered.

  • CouchDB-0

  • CouchDB-1

  • Policy-Failure


  • This Project is supported only on Mac & Ubuntu.

  • Clone the Repo

    # Don't cd into it
    $ git clone <link> eApproval
  • Only Download all the prerequisite NOTE: install node v10 insted of v8, when given option

  • Install Fabric Binaries

    $ curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.0.0 1.4.6 0.4.18
    • This Will also clone fabric-samples in the cwd.
  • Copy Fabric Binaries into eApproval

     $ cp ./fabric-samples/bin ./eApproval/bin
  • If you have been playing with Docker, kill any stale or active containers.

    $ docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
    $ docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep fabcar | awk '{print $3}')
  • start the network

    $ make
    • Check This for more make commands.
  • If manual API starting is required,

    • Before Starting it, set a host route host.docker.internal
       # FOR MAC
       $ sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
       # add:		host.docker.internal
       # FOR UBUNTU
       $ sudo nano /etc/hosts
       # add:		host.docker.internal
    • Then start
      $ cd ./api
      $ MODE=production ./