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A minimalist instruction language for automating user input at specified times


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AFK Script

A minimalist instruction language for automating user input at specified times



Download the latest release of AFK Script. Unpack the archive on your computer and create a reference in your path environment to it. Now you should be able to run AFKScript in the terminal.


A time-based scripting language for automating user tasks.

Description Values
File extension .afk

Command-Line Options

Flag Description
/cp Run scripts as parallel child processes
/hl Hides console log outputs

Instruction Set

Mandatory parameters are specified with "[...]" and optional with "(...)".

Instruction Parameter(s) Description
AT (date) (time) Stops the program flow until the specified time has passed
WAIT [milliseconds] Waiting a certain number of milliseconds
CLICK Performs a mouse click event on the current mouse coordinate on the screen
CLICK [x] [y] Performs a mouse click event on a given coordinate on the screen
KEY [key] (key) (key) ... performs a keystroke event of a single or a number of key combinations.
TYPE [text] Sends a specified character string to standard input or at the current text cursor
LOG [text] Write to the standard output (or console)
READ [variable] Pauses program flow and read from standard-input and store text value in variable.
READ [variable] [text] Pauses program flow, print the text and read from standard-input and store text value in variable.
START [program] (params) Starts a new process similar to using the command prompt
STOP [program] Stops a process if it is running
PAUSE Pause program and wait for user interaction
SET [variable] [expression] Store the result of the expression in a variable. Expression could be text, boolean or number,operator or Lua expression.
IF [expression] [label] Jump to label if expression evaluates to a truthy value. Expression could be text, boolean or number,operator or Lua expression.
# (comment) Everything to the right of the hash-tag will be commented out


Parameter Format Examples parameters significance
date (MM)/(dd)/(yyyy)
05/29/2019, 2020-01-31, 02/14 or 04 3: Exact date
2: Exact day and month every year
1: Exact day every month and every year
time (HH):(mm):(ss) 05:50:06, 12:32 or 09 3: Exact time any day
2: Hour and minutes
1: Hour
text "[string]" "Hello, world!"
number [integer] 42, 100
boolean true or false
variable $[name] $shutdownTime, $repeat or $url
label :[name] :start, :end, :L1, :L2
milliseconds Same as number 1000, 500
x Same as number 405, 316
y Same as number 231, 675
key {[key name]} or [text] ENTER, Cancel, F6 or HELLO List or available keys.
expression any primitive type or Lua expression "hej", 10 + 5, false + "!"
program Same as text
params An array of texts.


Operator Description Compatible operand types
== Compare two values String, Date, Time, Numeric. Produce boolean
!= Not equals String, Date, Time, Numeric. Produce boolean
+ Adds two numbers or concatenates a string with anything else String, Date, Time, Numeric. Produce string or numeric
- Subtract one number from another Numeric
&& Logical and Boolean. Produce boolean
! Logical not Boolean. Produce boolean
Lua Any Lua expression is a valid expression.


Flags are set in the beginning of the program to communicate how the program should be run to the interpreter. Flags are prefixed with a @ symbol followed by the flag name.

Flag Description
@strict Crash when an error occur. Preferred during development or for unsafe scripts


Means that it does not matter which value is on a given position. For example: ##:##:00, will match all time values ending with 00 seconds. 12:05:00 or 05:12:00, but not 14:54:23.


Variables starts with a prefix $ symbol and a following name. Variable names are case-sensitive, this is important!

Environment Variables

Name Description Format
$TIME Holds the current machine time Time
$DATE Current date Date
$ACTIVE_PROGRAM The title of the currently active program window String


Create a label on a new row using a prefix : with a trailing label name. Label names are case-insensitive meaning :Start and :stArt is going to collide and cause an error.

:start # Create a label start
GOTO start


1) First Clicks

AT 17:18
CLICK 532 122
CLICK 140 60

AT 17:45
START "" ""

This script will (when executed) wait until the current time has passed 17:18:00 today (default) and then preform two click instructions on the screen, wait 10 seconds, send that the key enter was pressed. Wait until 17:45:00 has passed, open up the default browser with a predetermined URL, and then terminate.

2) Variables

# Define $URL
AT 13:00

This prints the text "Webpage to open: " and prompts for a user input which will be stored inside $URL. Then waits until 13:00 the same day and opens that URL in the standard browser.

3) Reading Input

# Read input and store in $URL
LOG "=== WEB OPENER ==="
READ $URL "Webpage: "
AT 13:00
LOG "Opening up $URL"

This prints the text "Webpage to open: " and prompts for a user input which will be stored inside $URL. Then waits until 13:00 the same day and opens that URL in the standard browser.


A minimalist instruction language for automating user input at specified times







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