Estudante de técnologia e Webdev. Atualmente trabalhando/estudando conteúdos relacionados a ReactJS, ReactNative, NodeJs, NextJs, MaterialUI, RestAPI e afins.
Amo conteúdos relacionados à técnologia, Si-fi, café RPG, Piratas, Ninjas/Samurais e Robos gigantes =)
Sempre estou procurando criar algo que possa ser divertido ou que seja de alguma forma útil.
Technology student and Web-Dev. Currently working / studying content related to ReactJS, ReactNative, NodeJS, NextJS, MaterialUI, RestAPI and the like.
I love content related to technology, Si-fi, RPG coffee, Pirates, Ninjas / Samurais and Giant Robots =)
I'm always looking to create something that can be fun or that is useful in some way.