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GETing a Team

In the initial commit to this project, you have been provided data about NFL teams. In a branch called get-team-answer, you are tasked with creating an Express server capable of responding to the following routes.

  • GET /teams - Return the full list of teams
  • GET /teams/X - Returns the team associated with that ID, where X is a number
  • GET /teams/ABBR - Returns the team associated with that abbreviation

POSTing a Team

In a new branch called post-team-answer, continuing from Part 1 (GETing a Team), you are tasked with creating a handler for a POST request to the /teams route which will create a new team in the array of teams.

Sequelize the Data

In a new branch called sequelize-data-answer, continuing from Part 2 (POSTing a Team), you are tasked with adding Sequelize to your API and creating a model for your NFL teams data. You will then need to update all of your routes to use the models instead of the teams.json file.

Migrating the Data

In a new branch called migrate-data-answer, continuing from Part 3 (Sequelize the Data), you are tasked with creating two migrations for your server. The first will create the appropriate table structure to match your models. The second will load the teams data from the teams.json file into the database table.

Provided Files

.eslintrc.js - a config file for ES Lint

teams.json - a JSON file with NFL teams data

Exercise Submission

You should submit your working changes in a pull request.


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