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Execute project for development



You'll need to export the created token into your session. On the terminal, where you'll run the project, run the following command replacing <token> with the personal access token you just created:

export NPM_TOKEN="<token>"

You have to do this everytime you open a new terminal session.

Execute project in production

  • Add the token to the environment variables with the name NPM_TOKEN and run the build as usual.


More information

Other authentication options

Opção 1:

  • Edit the .npmrc file replacing ${NPM_TOKEN} on line //${NPM_TOKEN} with the personal access token.

WARNING: Do not commit your changes to .npmrc file with your personal token!

Opção 2:

  • On your terminal, log in npm with the following command:
npm login --scope=@ccmdesign --registry=

It will ask for your login credentials as follow:

  • Username will be your Github username;
  • Password will be your personal access token created previously;
  • Email is your public email address.




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