A simple plugin that allow players to automatically fish.
Download on Spigot.
● /autofishing reload - reload the config file.
● /autofishing give [player] - give the specific rod to a player.
● /autofishing toggle - Enable/Disable auto fishing ability. (Default is enable)
● autofishing.use - allow to automatically fish. (default: op)
● autofishing.admin - allow to use give/reload command. (default: op)
#How long should it auto reel in after bitten.
#Over 25 ticks will cause the player to fail fishing.
Ticks_After_Bitten: 5
#How long should it auto fishing again after reel in and caught something.
Ticks_After_Caught: 20
#If true, player need to use the specific rod below to use the auto fishing ability.
Enable: false
#Some specific-rod setting.
Rod_Name: "&6Auto Fishing Rod"
- "&fUse this to Auto-Fishing."
#Set the CustomModelData, if you don't need it, set to 0.
Rod_Model_Data: 0
#The plugin using nbt tag to check if player is using the specific rod,
#so after you generate a rod by using /autofishing give,
#you can use some item editor plugin to modify the rod and sell it using shop plugin or whatever you want.