Reskin of since it lacks mobile support and is generally ugly.
Deployed version at is now closed because I left Russia because of war and never actually needed education in first place and only used it to avoid going to army.
- React with Next.js v13.5 (pages router)
- Tailwind CSS. This is my first project using it, after using SCSS Modules for many years
- @shadcn/ui components (built with Radix UI)
- JSDOM for parsing scraped pages, rehydration strategy for cache
- TypeScript with types for each package
- Telegram Bot API (via [node-telegram-bot-api]) for parsing failure notifications
- Custom js parser for teachers' photos
- Accessability & tab navigation support
- Dark theme with automatic switching based on system settings
Built under 1 day. Tools used: pnpm, eslint, react-icons. Deployed with Netlify and supported by Cloudflare.
I'm available for hire if you can provide me with a work visa in Canada. Check out my resume: