Image Classification Web Appl built using Tensorflow.js & Google Cloud AutoML Vision.
A social distancing analyzer AI tool to regulate social distancing protocol using video surveillance of CCTV cameras and drones. Social Distancing Analyser to prevent COVID19
Virus-v2 / Deep-Learning-for-Sensor-based-Human-Activity-Recognition
Forked from wisdal/Deep-Learning-for-Sensor-based-Human-Activity-RecognitionApplication of Deep Learning to Human Activity Recognition using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors data
Virus-v2 / LSTM-Human-Activity-Recognition
Forked from guillaume-chevalier/LSTM-Human-Activity-RecognitionHuman Activity Recognition example using TensorFlow on smartphone sensors dataset and an LSTM RNN (Deep Learning algo). Classifying the type of movement amongst six activity categories - Guillaume …
Pothole detection using smartphone's accelerometer sensor. Android application detects a pothole when a car is passed through a pothole and reports the location of that pothole to the Road Ministry…
Detect Potholes from gyroscope and accelerometer data using mobile phone sensors
Virus-v2 / pothole-detection
Forked from tolani/pothole-detectiona real time android application which collects data , detects potholes and mark them on the map
A system for real-time pothole detection