Decentralized collaborative creation, asset and resource sharing, data processing (and rendering), distribution and open source and auditable smart browsing and recommendation based exploration.
The Vibenarium Platform is a multi-platform, publicly auditable, decentralized, end-to-end encrypted environment for collaborative creation, asset and resource sharing, data processing (and rendering). It allows asset and resource sharing as well as native crypto currency payments.
The Vibenarium is build on the Quest Network and makes use of the Interplanetary Filesystem, IPFS GossipSub and IPFS DAGs.
With the Vibenarium and the Quest Network comibined we're planning to provide the primary interplanetary service for social networking and collaborative remote interaction.
All free. All open source.
The Vibenarium Platform works in the browser, as an Electron on Windows, Mac and Linux ande Android using Cordova.
GNU Affero GPLv3