Scripts to install the tools required for development on the Predix Platform.
- Run the command below in a terminal window to install all the standard tools
bash <( curl )
- You can choose to install selected tools by providing flags for the corresponding tools. For example: to install git, cf-cli, and predix-cli only run
bash <( curl ) --git --cf --predixcli
Tool | Flag | Notes |
brew, [cask] ( | Required to manage the installation of tools | |
Android Studio & Platform Tools | --androidstudio | |
Cloud Foundry CLI | --cf | |
Docker | --docker | |
Eclipse STS | --sts | |
Git | --git | |
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) | --jdk | |
JQ) | installed in all cases | |
Maven | --maven | |
Node.js, Bower, Grunt CLI, Gulp CLI,[node gyp],[windows-build-tools] (npm install --global --production windows-build-tools) | --nodejs | |
Predix CLI | --predixcli | |
Predix Mobile CLI | --mobilecli | |
Python2 | --python2 | |
Python3 | --python3 | |
rbenv, ruby-build, ruby, [cf-uaac] ( | --uaac | This is not installed by default |
VMWare | --vmware |
- Open a Command Window as Administrator (Right click 'Run as Administrator') and run the command below
@powershell -Command "(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%/setup-windows.bat')" && %TEMP%/setup-windows.bat
- You can choose to install selected tools by providing flags for the corresponding tools. For example: to install git, cf-cli and predix-cli only run
@powershell -Command "(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%/setup-windows.bat')" && %TEMP%/setup-windows.bat /git /cf /predixcli
Tool | Flag | Notes |
chocolatey | Required to manage the installation of tools | |
Android Studio & ADB | /androidstudio | |
Cloud Foundry CLI | /cf | |
cURL | /curl | |
Docker | /docker | |
Eclipse STS | /sts | |
Git | /git | |
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) | /jdk | |
JQ) | installed in all cases | |
Maven | /maven | |
Node.js, Bower, Grunt CLI, Gulp CLI | /nodejs | |
Predix CLI | /predixcli | |
Predix Mobile CLI | /mobilecli | |
Python2 | /python2 | |
Python3 | /python3 | |
putty | /putty | |
VMWare | /vmware |