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Bash Script for Clearing in the RAID Signature in hard disk under LSI RAID configuration.


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MegaRAID RAID-Signature-Cleaner

This is a guide to setup or run the Raid-Signature Cleaner Application on Either Windows or CentOS 6 Linux

Running the application on existing machines with setup already completed

On Windows Server

  • Login to the machine as administrator

  • Open PowerShell

  • Navigate to Desktop Directory where the application resides using the command

PS C:\Users> Set-Location C:\Users\Adminstrator\Desktop
  • Run the application using the following command
PS C:\Users> .\mega_raid_clearer.ps1

On CentOS 6

  • Login to the server as root

  • navigate to root directory

  • run script by entering the cmd

root@localhost:~$ bash
  • or by make the file executable and run it this way!
root@localhost:~$ chmod +x
root@localhost:~$ ./

RAID Signature Cleaner Setup

This is a guide to create and a setup a server to erase RAID Signature of old disks using the MegaRAID controller's MegaCli Command Line tool or using the script developed for easier operation.

Setup for Window Server

PS C:\Users> .\mega_raid_clearer.ps1
  • You can also create your own powershell script by copying the contents below and editing as needed:
Set-Location C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\8-07-14_MegaCLI\Windows

function Start-Clearing {
    Write-Host "Clearing RAID configuration of Disk in Slot: $slot_number"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "Clearing Foreign Configuration......"
    .\MegaCli.exe -CfgForeign -Clear -aALL
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "Making the Disk into Unconfigured Good if in Unconfigured Bad state (ignore failure if occurs)"
    .\MegaCli.exe -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[64:$slot_number] -aALL
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "Converting the Disk into JBOD mode....."
    .\MegaCli.exe -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[64:$slot_number] -aALL
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "----------------Done Clearing RAID Configuration---------------"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

function Get-Confirmation {
    $OPT = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to clear RAID configuration in slot: $slot_number ?[y/n]: "
    switch ($OPT) {
        'Y' { Start-Clearing }
        'y' { Start-Clearing }
        'Yes' { Start-Clearing }
        'yes' { Start-Clearing }
        'n' {break}
        'N' {break}
        'no' {break}
        'No' {break}
        Default {$OPT = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter 'y' or 'n' "
        if ($OPT -eq "y") {

Write-Host "---------------------Welcome to RAID Cleaner-------------------"
Write-Host "List of all the available drives attached to the controller: "
.\MegaCli.exe -PDList -aALL | Select-String -Pattern "Enclosure Device Id", "Slot Number", "Drive's Position", "Device Id", "Firmware State", "Foreign State"

$nu_disk = Read-Host -Prompt "How many disks would you like to clear?: "

if ( $nu_disk -notmatch "^[0-9]+$" ) {
    $nu_disk = Read-Host -Prompt "Invalid Input! Please enter the number of disks to be cleared: "

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $nu_disk; $i++) {
    $slot_number = Read-Host -Prompt "You can clean the Foreign RAID configuration of the Disk by specifing the slot number(please enter the slot of disk one by one): "
    if ($slot_number -notmatch "^[0-9]+$") {
        $slot_number = Read-Host -Prompt "Invalid Input! Please enter the slot number: "

    if (($slot_number -eq 0) -or ($slot_number -eq 1)) {
        $slot_number = Read-Host -Prompt "The Disk in the Slot you have chosen has O.S installed. Please choose a different slot: "


    if ( $i -lt $nu_disk) {
        Write-Host "---------------------------Next Disk---------------------------"

Write-Host "--------------------- Current Configuration--------------------"
.\MegaCli.exe -PDList -aALL | Select-String -Pattern "Enclosure Device Id", "Slot Number", "Drive's Position", "Device Id", "Firmware State", "Foreign State"

Set-Location C:\Users\Administrator
Write-Host "----------------------------Exiting----------------------------"

Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

Setup for Centos 6

Installing Centos 6

IBM System X3550 M2 are installed with ServeRAID 1015 RAID Controllers this Hardware RAID Controller is only detected and supported in Centos 6 and Centos 7. They are not supported in Centos 8 and above.

Flashing USB Drive with Centos 6

First Centos 6 ISO has to bee flashed on an USB for us to install it onto or RAID Clearer Server. Use your workstation to complete this process.

  • Rufus is an utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash disks. This can be downloaded from here

  • Centos 6 can be downloaded from here

Now create a bootable drive using Rufus.

rufus setup

Installation and Setting up the Centos Environment for running the utility

  • Plug in the usb Drive to the server and enter the BIOS to choose the USB drive as boot drive.

  • run through the installer as directed and setup your login credentials

  • The username after intial installation is root and the password is the credentials you have setup during installation

####### Downloading prerequistes and packages

For our utility to run certain prerequistes have to be installed and configured.

The MegaCli command line tool has to be downloaded and installed. This can be downloaded here

  • Use your workstation to download this package and copy the zip file to a USB Drive

megacli download page

  • Insert the USB drive to the server and copy the zip file using the following command to the /root/Downloads directory.
root@localhost:~$ cp /media/usb_drive_name/8-07-14_MegaCLI /root/Downloads/
  • The unzip utilit has to be installed to extraxt our zip file. Use this command to install unzip.
root@localhost:~$ yum install unzip
  • Navigate to the Downloads directory and unzip the downloaded MegaCli file using the following commands
root@localhost:~$ cd Downloads/
root@localhost:~$ unzip
  • Now navigate to the Linux directory to from the extracted folder and install the command line tool using the following command/
root@localhost:~$ cd Linux/
root@localhost:~$ yum localinstall MegaCli-8.07.14-1.noarch.rpm
  • Now Navigate to the home directory to directory and create and alias to easily use the command line tool.
root@localhost:~$ cd ~
root@localhost:~$ alais megacli=/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64
  • You can add this alias to the .bashrc file to permanently save the alias.
root@localhost:~$ vi .bashrc
  • append the alias command as shown above by entering i to go into insert mode and the press esc and enter :wq to save and quit the file.

  • Test the installation by entering the command.

root@localhost:~$ megacli -h

Now the MegCli RAID Command Line Tool is now installed

Setting up and running the RAID Cleaner Bash Script

root@localhost:~$ cp /media/name_of_usbdrive/ /root/
  • You can run the script using the following command.
root@localhost:~$ bash
  • You can make the file executable and run it this way.
root@localhost:~$ chmod +x
root@localhost:~$ ./
You can also copy the shell script and create your own bash script

cd /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/

function clearing {
echo "Clearing RAID configuration of Disk in Slot: $slot_number"
        sleep 1 
echo "Clearing Foreign Configuration......"
        ./MegaCli64 -CfgForeign -Clear -aALL
        sleep 1
echo "Converting the Disk into JBOD mode....."
        ./MegaCli64 -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[64:$slot_number] -aALL
        sleep 1
        echo "----------------Done Clearing RAID Configuration---------------"
        sleep 1

function getconfirmation() {
        read -p "Are you sure you want to clear RAID configuration in slot: $slot_number ?[y/n]: " -r opt
        case "$opt" in
                        return 1
                        echo "Please enter 'y' or 'n'"
                        return 1
echo "---------------------Welcome to RAID Cleaner-------------------"
echo "List of all available drives attached to the controller:"
./MegaCli64 -PDList -aALL | grep -i "enclosure device id\|slot number\|Drive's Position\|Device id\|Firmware state\|foreign state"
read -p "How many disks would you like to clear?: " -r nu_disks
if ! [[ $nu_disks =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
    read -p "Invalid Input! Please enter the number of disks to be cleared: " -r $nu_disks

for (( c=1; c<=$nu_disks; c++))
        read -p "You can clean the Foreign RAID configuration of the Disk by specifing the slot number(please enter the slot of disk one by one): " -r slot_number
        if ! [[ $slot_number =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
                read -p "Invalid Input! Please enter the slot number: " -r $nu_disks


        if [ $c -lt $nu_disks ]; then
                echo "---------------------------Next Disk---------------------------"

echo "--------------------- Current Configuration--------------------"
./MegaCli64 -PDList -aALL | grep -i "enclosure device id\|slot number\|Drive's Position\|Device id\|Firmware state\|foreign state"

cd ~

echo "----------------------------Exiting----------------------------"
sleep 3

Appendix A

MegaCli commands to manually erase the RAID Signature

To list all attached Drives:

root@localhost:~$ megacli -PDList -aALL

To list only the useful parameters:

root@localhost:~$ megacli -PDList -aALL | grep -i "enclosure device id\|slot number\|Drive's Position\|Device id\|Firmware state\|foreign state"

To scan and clear all Foreign RAID Signature:

root@localhost:~$ megacli -CfgForeign -Scan -aALL
root@localhost:~$ megacli -CfgForeign -Clear -aALL

Convert the Unconfigured Drives into JBOD Drives

root@localhost:~$ Megacli -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[64(enclosure id), 3(slot number)] -aN


Bash Script for Clearing in the RAID Signature in hard disk under LSI RAID configuration.







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