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Tool for generating typescript REST API backend aplications

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Brandybuck is a command line tool, that allows developers to generate fully working web REST API web servers. Brandybuck generates a functioning NodeJS application running Express using Typescript. The user may define a JSON configuration file, upon which the application is generated. The features include:

  • Model specification
  • Database support
  • Authentication
  • Docker support
  • Traefik v2 reverse proxy support

The generated web server may serve as a complete backend appliction for smaller projects, or can be expanded and provide a fast start on the way to the desired project.


The tool may be installed from the snap store by running the command

snap install brandybuck --edge --devmode


The tool is used by running the brandybuck command.
It can work in one of two ways. Either you can run it with init or build command.


Before building the web server, Brandybuck has to know what kind od server you want. Running the command

brandybuck init

will create two files within the directory from which it was run. The files will be called brandybuck.config.json and brandybuck.models.json. The files are used by the developer to specify the configurations of the web server that should be generated.

Metadata configuration

By default the brandybuck.config.json configuration file will look something like this:

  "project_name": "Unknown",
  "port": 3000,
  "auth": true,
  "model_source": "./brandybuck.models.json",
  "database": "SQLITE",
  "docker": {
    "port": 3000,
    "traefik2": false

All the attributes have default values, within the tool, so you don't have to specify all the features within the .json, but only the modifications of the default configuration. Overview of the attributes can be seen in the tables below.

Attribute Type Default Description
project_name string "Unknown" Specifies the name of the generated project. Will resonate in folder structure, package.json and container names.
port number 3000 Specifies the port the server should listen to.
auth boolean false Specifies whether authentication should be generated.
model_source string "./brandybuck.models.json" Specifies the the location of the configration file that describes the models.
database string "SQLITE" Specifies the database that the server should use. (Currently only supports SQLITE)
docker boolean/configuration object { "port": 3000, "traefik2": false } Specifies whether and/or how dockerization files should be generated .
log boolean true Adds some aditional logging to the generated server.
documentation boolean true TODO: not yet implemented ;)

Docker configuration

The docker configuration can either be specified by a boolean or an object. The overview of the object configruation attributes can be seen in the table below.

Attribute Type Default Description
port number 3000 Specifies the port the docker should expose. Automatically binds to the exposed port to the server port.
traefik2 string / configuration object false Specifies whether and/or how traefik v2 configuration should be generated.

Trefik configuration

If the dockerization was enabled, there is an option to configure the container to run with Traefik v2 by specifying the traefik2 attribute in docker. The overview of the configurations for traefik can be seen in the table below:

Attribute Type Default Description
container_name string "brandybuck_traefik_container_" Specifies the name of the container. Will resonate in the name of the router and service of traefik container.
proxy_network_name string "proxy" Specifies the name of the external network, so the container is visible to traefik.
certresolver_name string "le" Name of your traefik certresolver.
entrypoint_name string "websecure" Name of your traefik entrypoint.
domain string "" Domain name of your project.


Once the metadata of the project have been specified there is one more configuration to be cofigured. We must specify the resources that the server should store and serve. These models will define how your database is structured and how the server routes are generated. The data for this is strored in the brandybuck.models.json configuration file.
The model file will come pre-generated with one dummy model, so it is easier to get started. This model is to be modified/deleted in your final configuration.

  "models": [
      "name": "table",
      "crud": {
        "create": true,
        "create_auth": false,
        "read": true,
        "read_auth": false,
        "update": true,
        "update_auth": false,
        "delete": true,
        "delete_auth": false
      "fields": [
          "name": "col1",
          "data_type": "VARCHAR",
          "null": false
          "name": "col2",
          "data_type": "VARCHAR",
          "null": false

The model configuration files contains a json which is nothing more than just an array of model objects. The model object is constructed from three main attributes: name, crud and fields. Important note is that the server application handles generation od id fields by itself so you should not specify the field named id. The server uses uuid to generate all ids.


Name attribute specifies the name of the resource. It is recommended to name your models in a singular form, in consideration to readability of the generated source code since the generator appends the s to the end of the model names for database table names and such (i.e. post -> posts).


The crud field describes which endpoints should be generated for the specified resource (read, create, update, delete). Each of the attributes defaults to true.
In the case you specified auth to true in the brandybuck.config.json you can specify if the route corresponding to the CRUD function needs to verify the user authentication. You can do that by specifying read_auth, create_auth, update_auth or delete_auth (they all default to false and are irrelevant if the auth value is false).


The fields attribute is an array of field object and describes the structure of the model. Each field is described by three main attributes seen in the table below:

Attribute Type Default Description
name string "col" Specifies the name of the model attribute / column.
data_type string "VARCHAR" Specifies the data type of the column. Corresponds directly to the avalible types of the database that was specified in the brandybuck.config.json.
null boolean false Specifies if the column may contain null values.

Each model may have any number of fields.


Once the configuration has been specified it is time to build the project. You can do that by running the command below in a directory, that contains the brandybuck.config.json and brandybuck.models.json configuration files.

brandybuck build

Folder structure

The tool will read the configuration files and create the project. The full build folder structure looks something like this (may differ based on configuration):

  |-- Unknown/
  |   |-- app/
  |   |   |-- db/
  |   |   |
  |   |   |-- migrations/
  |   |   |   |--  001-inital-schema.sql   
  |   |   |
  |   |   |-- src/
  |   |   |   |-- auth/
  |   |   |   |-- db/
  |   |   |   |-- models/
  |   |   |   |   |-- core/
  |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |-- routes/
  |   |   |   |-- server.ts
  |   |   |
  |   |   |-- package.json
  |   |   |-- tsconfig.json
  |   |
  |   |-- dockerfile
  |   |-- docker-compose.yml
  |   |--
  |-- brandybuck.configuration.json
  |-- brandybuck.models.json


If the auth attribute was set to true, brandybuck will auto generate the user model so it is structured in a way that is compatible with the generated source code. You may modify the user later but it is recommended, that upon specifying the auth flag you should not generate own user models.
Structure of the user model looks like this:

  id: string,
  name: string,
  password: string,
  role: 'USER' | 'ADMIN'

Passwords are hashed and salted and you get the control of setting the hash salt rounds in the generated .env file (default is 10). Authentication uses JWT tokens to authenticate the user.
In the generated .env file, there is also a field ADMIN_EMAIL where you may specify an email. If a user registers with that email the user will get an ADMIN value and others will get the USER value.

The user model does not have any CRUD methods and can not be retrieved from the server via an HTTP route. If a user wants to be registered to the server this can be accomplished by sending a POST request to to <domain>/auth/local/register with the body:

  "name": "User Name",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "usersecretpassword"

From this point the registered user can now login to the application by sending a POST request to to <domain>/auth/local/login with the body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "usersecretpassword"

In the response the user will recieve a Bearer token that should be send in the header of all requests that require authentication:

"Authorization": "Bearer <token>" 

Running the generated server

You can run the generated application directly by moving into the app folder and first installing the application dependencies with:

cd <name>/app
npm install

You can then start the application by running:

npm run start

or production version by running;

npm run prod

If you jut want to transpile the application you can run:

npm run tsc


If you specified the dockerization of the project, you can run the docker container with commands:

cd <name>/
docker-compose up

Modifying environment

Branybuck will generate .env and .env.sample files for both the app and the potential docker configuration. The configurations will be pre-filled but you can change them at any time. For the application itself the .env.sample looks like this:


The full docker configuration with the traefik support enabled will have an option to modify the domain of the application shown below.



Tool for generating typescript REST API backend aplications






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