AstroGPT Public
Ongoing - AstroGPT revolutionizes astrology with features like Kundli, daily horoscope, live chat, and a ChatGPT-powered bot. 🚀 Achieved 20% faster loading and 15% better responsiveness, supportin…
FoodBazaar- Public
🚀 Thrilled to announce the successful wrap-up of Food Bazaar, a web app designed for convenient food and grocery delivery! 🍕🛒 This exciting project integrates seamlessly with live Swiggy and Insta…
Namaste-React Public
❤ Namaste React Live Course from Zero to Hero 🚀 by Akshay Saini(Founder of NamasteDev). #namaste #javascript #react
JS---Practice Public
This repository contains a collection of my solutions to various coding questions and practice code in JavaScript. I have organized the code based on different topics and categories to make it easy…
Hotflix-GPT Public
🎬 HotflixGPT is the ultimate movie streaming app that uses the power of React.js and OpenAI GPT-3.5 turbo APIs for an cinematic experience. Explore a vast movie database effortlessly, enjoy persona…