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A small markdown blog powered by fresh

Made with Fresh



Start the project:

deno task start

Create Posts

  • Copy your posts as markdown files into /posts in the root directory of your project.
  • Markdown files have to end with .md
  • You can create subdirectories like /posts/memes/ If you choose to create subdirectories it will be important that the article is called


  • When you create a new markdown file, you need to enter the article's metadata in the yaml header at the top. Here is an example:
# Title which will be shown on index pages like / and /all
title: "This title will be shown on the index pages"

# Timestamps like "2022-09-19T18:29:57+02:00" work too
date: '2022-07-02'

# You don't need quotation marks if you don't like them
excerpt: Small about me page

# Don't show on index pages.
# This is useful if you have a site like "about me" or an imprint and want to link to it in the navbar / footer
shouldBeListedOnIndex: false


The 10 latest posts are shown on this page. You can change this number in routes/index.tsx. Just edit articles.slice(0, 10) to your liking in the handler function.


Basically, the same as the latest-page, but shows all articles and only headlines without excerpt.


You can find the Navbar in the components folder. If you want to add or edit links in the navbar, just edit the MenuEntries:

export const MenuEntries = [
    name: "Archive",
    href: "/archive",
    name: "Latest",
    href: "/",
    name: "About",
    href: "/about",


Basically the same as Navbar.