Scripts that make my job as a DBA a bit easier
A demo application for Active Admin
VDPoornima / cloudinary_gem
Forked from cloudinary/cloudinary_gemCloudinary GEM for Ruby on Rails integration
Sample rails application using twitter oauth
A demo app for omniauth with authlogic
This is a Redmine 2+ compatible version of plugin originally created by Eric Davis to generate timesheets from timelogs.
VDPoornima / mailr
Forked from lmanolov/mailrruby on rails webmail client
lmanolov / mailr
Forked from emilioeduardob/mailrruby on rails webmail client
This will take care of all the need of any enterprise to manage there employee. You can create employee, authorize them through roles.Diferent roles have different acess.Only admin can enroll emplo…
A Redmine plugin for agile teams
Easy way of adding configuration blocks to classes, modules and applications
A simple task board for Redmine
VDPoornima / chiliproject
Forked from npatterson/chiliprojectChiliProject is a web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails
VDPoornima / ruby-git
Forked from ruby-git/ruby-gitRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary.
VDPoornima / scrum_redmine
Forked from najamalvi/scrum_redmineRedmine repository with scrum functionalities fully functional with redmine official release 0.8.4
jQuery Mobile Framework
npatterson / chiliproject
Forked from chiliproject/chiliprojectChiliProject is a web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails
VDPoornima / TiSMSDialog
Forked from omorandi/TiSMSDialogAppcelerator Titanium Mobile module implementing an SMS sending dialog (similar to Ti.UI.EmailDialog)
VDPoornima / titanium_mobile
Forked from tidev/titanium-sdkAppcelerator Titanium Mobile
VDPoornima / clearance
Forked from jkraemer/clearanceRails authentication with email & password.
VDPoornima / mobile-fu
Forked from brendanlim/mobile-fuAutomatically detect mobile requests from mobile devices in your Rails application.
VDPoornima / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
VDPoornima / rspec-dev
Forked from rspec/rspec-devRspec-2 development environment