The main goal is to prepare new website visulization of meteor-radar station in Collm solely in python (see here or specifically here).
Click on this Badge to get access to Binder. Binder sets up an environment without the need of an python-installation. It is possible to explore this project independent of the system!
- visualization of preprocessed meteor-radar files
- wind measurements
- tides
- daily temperatures derived from the decay of in-dividual underdense meteor trails (Hocking, 1999; Hockinget al., 2001; Stober et al., 2008; Jacobi et al. (2016))
- long-term characteristics (trends, climatology etc.)
- processing of mdp files
- add visualization of other datasets
- ICON@DWD (see here) up to 80 km
- GFSv16 up to 0.01 hPa
- GEOS-5 FP up to 0.01 hPa