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My dotfile collection (Vim, bash, mintty and tmux)

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My Dotfiles and Plug-Ins

This project installs a collection of dotfiles and Vim plug-ins that I've come to depend on over the years. It is set up to be installed in one step. The goal is to get my workflow going quickly on a new system whether that system is running MacOS, Cygwin, WSL 2 or mainstream Linux (EL or Ubuntu) distributions.

WSLtty 3-way split with Vim and bash

The priorities are Vim, Tmux, and bash which are visually themed/coordinated via the Vim Airline, Tmuxline and Promptline plugins respectively. Note that these plug-ins get their default settings from the .vimrc file.

By default, each of these will use Powerline fonts which must be either installed separately or disabled by updating then sourcing .vimrc. Find and update the following lines and set the values to '0' to disable powerline fonts:

  let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 0
  let g:tmuxline_powerline_separators = 0
  let g:promptline_powerline_symbols = 0

MacOS iTerm users can skip installing powerline fonts and enable "Draw Powerline Glyphs" instead.

The install scripts will back up existing bash, MinTTY (Cygwin only), Vim or Tmux dotfiles before replacing them.

From there, Vim and Tmux plug-in managers (pathogen and tpm respectively) are installed along with vim plug-ins and color schemes. Only one Tmux plug-in is installed. See the Vim and Tmux READMEs for more.

Plug-ins are installed directly from github, so it is a good idea to periodically pull this project and/or re-run the install script (or individual Vim or tmux plugin_install scripts) to update all the plug-ins and add new color schemes.

The script was never finished and should be avoided for now, but backing this out/restoring original rc files is as simple as restoring the contents of the most recent dotfile_backup directory. Remove plug-ins by deleting ~/.vim/bundle and ~/.tmux/plugins directories.

These are tested fairly often on MacOS, WSL, Cygwin, and Linux but results may vary, use at your own risk.

Quick Install

git clone


git clone

Primary Apps

Dotfiles for the apps below are installed (and backed up) by the install scripts, if the apps are present.

  • vim
  • bash
  • less
  • tmux
  • mintty

Secondary Apps

These are "secondary" only because their dotfiles are not replaced by the install scripts. The dotfiles for these may be copied manually.

  • Git
  • w3m
  • iTerm
  • htop


  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Run the install shell (or Python) script

The install script will back up then replace the files below, if they exist:


  1. .bashrc
  2. .bash_profile
  5. .minttyrc
  6. .bash_mintty_colors
  7. .vimrc
  8. .gvimrc
  9. .tmux.conf
  10. .tmux-syncoff.conf
  11. .tmux-syncon.conf
  12. .tmux.clipboard.conf
  13. .tmux-status.conf

Backups will be created in ~/dotfile_backup_<date_time>

├── .w3m                        # The w3m web browser
│   ├── .gitignore
│   └── config
├── bash
│   ├── .LESS_TERMCAP           # less with colors
│   ├── .bash_mintty_colors     # Cygwin Mintty
│   ├── .bash_profile           # Git-aware bash prompt
│   ├── .bash_profile_simple      (requires jimeh/git-aware-prompt)
│   ├── .bash_profile_thinkpad
│   ├──         # Generated by vim airline,
│   ├── .bashrc                   sourced by .bash_profile,
│   ├── .bashrc_debian            keeps bash promt in sync with
│   ├── .bashrc_el7               vim and tmux
│   ├── .bashrc_mintty
│   └── .bashrc_wsl
├── git
│   └── .gitconfig              # Base git config, starring vimdiff
├── iterm
│   └── com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
├── mintty
│   ├── .bash_mintty_colors     # Mintty color schemes
│   ├── .minttyrc
│   ├── .minttyrc-dark
│   ├── .minttyrcb
│   ├── .minttyrcg
│   ├── .minttyrcgd
│   ├── .minttyrcgl             # Glass
│   ├── .minttyrcglo
│   ├── .minttyrcgr
│   ├── .minttyrco
│   ├── .minttyrcp
│   ├── .minttyrcr
│   └── .minttyrcw
├── tmux
│   ├──       # Install Tmux Plugin Manager (tpm) and tmc for clusterssh
│   ├── .tmux-cssh              ## This is missing!## - optional, used to change tmc ssh command
│   ├── .tmux.clipboard.conf    # Cliboard integration for Cygwin, Linux and MacOS
│   ├── .tmux.conf              # requires .tmux-syncoff.conf and .tmux-syncon.conf
│   ├── .tmux-status.conf       # As created by tmuxline.vim
│   ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf      # Sourced by tmux for color changes when enabling synchronizing-panes via C-b e
│   ├── .tmux-syncon.conf       # Sourced by tmux for color changes when disabling synchronize-panes via C-b E
│   └── themes
│       ├── airline_dracula
│       │   ├── .tmux-status.conf
│       │   ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf
│       │   └── .tmux-syncon.conf
│       ├── airline_original
│       │   ├── .tmux-status.conf
│       │   ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf
│       │   ├── .tmux-syncon.conf
│       │   └── .tmux.conf
│       ├── green
│       │   ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf
│       │   └── .tmux.conf
│       ├── original
│       │   ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf
│       │   └── .tmux.conf
│       └── yellow
│           ├── .tmux-syncoff.conf
│           └── .tmux.conf
├── vim
│   ├──       # Installs pathogen and all my plugins from Github
│   ├──       # Python version of the above
│   ├── .gvimrc                 # Happy Vimming in gVim 7-8 (requires .vimrc)
│   ├── .gvimrc.old
│   └── .vimrc                  # Happy Vimming in vim 7-8 on Linux, Solaris and Cygwin
├──                   # You are here
├──                  # Copies bash, tmux, mintty and vim dotfiles then
│                                 runs tmux/ and vim/
└──                # **WARNING** - Not yet updated to match the

Mintty Color Schemes - (Cygwin/Windows)

Combined with a collection of Windows shortcuts and a folder in the Windows PATH, one can quickly summon a Mintty session with a custom color scheme.

Mintty Color Schemes - (Cygwin/WSL/Windows)

Mintty and WSLtty will respond to escape sequences to change colors on the fly, source .bash_mintty_colors to get bash aliases, e.g. blue, green, red, etc..


Git-aware bash prompt, aliases, etc. for different environments. The git-aware prompts were generated using the vim promptline plugin and saved to which is sourced via .bash_profile. When Airline themes change, promptline updates to match.


A collection of .tmux_xxx dotfiles that coordinate Tmux colors with Vim and bash, thanks to a .tmux.conf generated by the Vim tmuxline plug-in. If the vim-airline theme is changed, .tmux.conf will be updated and sourced automatically.

Another priority for tmux is clipboard integration. Tmux has its own clipboard, but uncommenting the appropriate line from the section below will allow integration with the OS clipboard, as long as tmux is running in a Desktop GUI. Note that Cygwin requires both lines:

# OS clipboard integration
# =============================
# Cygwin - Copy to Windows clipboard (tmux 2.4 and later)
#bind-key -T copy-mode Enter send-key -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "cat > /dev/clipboard"
#bind ] run "cat /dev/clipboard | tmux load-buffer - ; tmux paste-buffer"

# MacOS X - Copy to MacOS clipboard
#bind-key -T copy-mode Enter send-key -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"

# Linux  - Copy to X11 clipboard
#bind-key -T copy-mode Enter send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"

# Windows Subsystem for Linux - Copy to Windows clipboard
#bind-key -T copy-mode enter send-key -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "cat | /mnt/c/Windows/System32/clip.exe"


This installs my .vimrc and .gvimrc files, the pathogen plug-in manager and a list of plugins.