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Set of scripts to process HybSeq target enrichment HTS data (on computing grids).


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HybSeq scripts

Set of scripts to process HybSeq target enrichment HTS data on computing grids like MetaCentrum.

Version: 2.0


Vojtěch Zeisek,

Homepage and reporting issues


GNU General Public License 3.0, see and

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

HybSeq data and their processing

Data structure

For usage of presented scripts, data are recommended to be stored in following structure:

  • 1_data --- Data directory containing directories for all individual sequencing libraries.
    • lib_01 --- Data from the first sequencing library. Same directory structure should be kept in all library directories.
      • 0_data --- Raw FASTQ files. Must be named like *[._]R[12][._]*f*q* for forward/reverse reads of each sample, i.e. containing .R1. and .R2. or _R1_ and _R2_, and .fq or .fastq. Recommended is compression by bzip2 (i.e. sampleXY.R1.fq.bz2 and sampleXY.R2.fq.bz2). Compression with gzip is also possible.
      • 1_trimmed --- Outputs of --- trimmed raw FASTQ files (using Trimmomatic), and trimming statistics (report_trimming.tsv).
      • 2_dedup --- Outputs of --- deduplicated FASTQ files (using from BBMap), and deduplication statistics (report_filtering.tsv) and list of samples needed for HybPiper (samples_list.txt).
      • 3_qual_rep --- Outputs of --- quality check reports of FASTQ files (using FastQC).
    • lib_02 --- Data from the second sequencing library. More libraries can follow...
    • Same structure as above...
    • lib_## --- ...up to data from the N-th (last) sequencing library.
  • 2_seqs --- All outputs of HybPiper --- scripts hybseq_2_hybpiper_* and hybseq_3_hybpiper_postprocess_*.
  • 3_aligned --- Sequences aligned by MAFFT and alignment reports (created by R script using packages ape, ips and scales) sorted by into directories for exons, introns and supercontigs --- scripts hybseq_4_alignment_*.
  • 4_gene_trees --- Gene trees reconstructed by IQ-TREE from all recovered contigs sorted by into directories for exons, introns and supercontigs --- scripts hybseq_5_gene_trees_*.
  • 5_sp_trees --- Species trees reconstructed from sets of gene trees by ASTRAL --- scripts hybseq_6_sp_tree_*.

Required software

Python libraries used by HybPiper

See also

R packages used

Description and usage of the scripts

Scripts,,,,,,, and (scripts named hybseq_* and hybseq_* contain settings for submission of each step (see further) on clusters using PBS Pro. These scripts require edits. At least paths must be changed there. According to cluster settings, commands module add and qsub (and probably some other things) will have to be edited. So they are rather inspiration for users of another clusters than MetaCentrum.

Scripts, and process in given directory all files (HybPiper, alignments and reconstruction of gene trees, respectively) and prepare individual task (job) for each file to be submitted by, and, respectively using PBS Pro (command qsub). If the scripts are used on different clusters than Czech MetaCentrum, they must be edited according to documentation of particular cluster (especially commands module add and qsub).

All scripts are relatively simple and can be easily edited to change parameters of various steps, or some parts (like MAFFT or IQ-TREE) can be easily replaced by another tools.

0. Installation

Install HybPiper and its dependencies


On MetaCentrum it is installed as container, so use it in scripts as

run_in_os  HybPiper/HybPiper-2.1.5.sif <<END
module add mambaforge
mamba activate /conda/envs/hybpiper-2.1.5
hybpiper check_dependencies

If working interactively, do not type <<END and END.

Install this script set and required R packages

# Clone repository with scripts into "~/hybseq" directory
git clone hybseq
# Install all needed R packages
cd hybseq/ # Go to hybseq directory
module add r/4.1.3-gcc-10.2.1-6xt26dl  # Load R module
R # Start R and install needed packages:
install.packages(pkgs=c("ape", "codetools", "cpp11", "farver", "ips", "RcppArmadillo",
"scales"), lib="rpackages", repos="", dependencies="Imports")

Required packages are ape, ips and scales. Packages codetools, cpp11, farver and RcppArmadillo are their dependencies which do not install automatically.

1. Pre-processing data --- trimming, deduplication, quality checks and statistics

Used scripts: and

Script contains settings for submission of the task on cluster using PBS Pro and runs to trimm, deduplicate and quality check all FASTQ files in a given directory.

It requires BBMap, FastQC, GNU Parallel and Trimmomatic.

Edit in variables to point to correct locations:

  • WORKDIR --- Point to hybseq directory containing this script set.
  • DATADIR --- Point to directory containing raw FASTQ files must be named like *[._]R[12][._]*f*q* for forward/reverse reads of each sample, i.e. containing .R1. and .R2. or _R1_ and _R2_, and .fq or .fastq. Recommended is compression by bzip2 (i.e. sampleXY.R1.fq.bz2 and sampleXY.R2.fq.bz2; compression with gzip is also possible), e.g. XXX/1_data/lib_01/0_data.

and submit the job by something like:

qsub -l walltime=24:0:0 -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=16gb:scratch_local=100gb -m abe \
# And see progress by something like
qstat -w -n -1 -u $LOGNAME -x

Results will be copied back to DATADIR.

2. Running HybPiper

Used scripts:, and to run HybPiper for each input sample, and and to retrieve contig sequences and obtain statistics.

2.1. Running HybPiper for each sample

Used scripts:, and

Each sample (i.e. pair of files sampleXY.dedup.R1.fq.bz2 and sampleXY.dedup.R2.fq.bz2 produced by is processed as separate job. File samples_list.txt created by is used by to drive the job submission.

Script contains settings (paths etc.) needed for submission of the task on cluster using PBS Pro. It is using qsub to submit to process all deduplicated FASTQ files (in directory like XXX/1_data/lib_01/2_dedup) with HybPiper. For every sample listed in samples_list.txt (created by script submits individual job with Finally, is using HybPiper to process the sample. This script can be edited to use different HybPiper settings.

It requires HybPiper with its dependencies.

Edit variables in

  • WORKDIR --- Point to hybseq directory containing this script set.
  • DATADIR --- Point to directory containing deduplicated FASTQ files named like sampleXY.dedup.R1.fq and sampleXY.dedup.R2.fq (produced by for forward/reverse reads of each sample. The directory is e.g. XXX/1_data/lib_01/2_dedup.
  • SAMPLES --- File name of list of samples according to HybPiper requirements to be processed (prepared by as samples_list.txt).
  • BAITFILE --- Reference bait FASTA file (see for details) --- must be relative path within WORKDIR, recommended placement is ref directory (see there).
  • NCPU --- Number of CPU threads used. Default is 8.

Depending on the cluster (if using something else than MetaCentrum) script will have to be edited (e.g. loading needed software modules by module add). As contains settings for processing each input file by HybPiper itself, it can be edited to change HybPiper settings.

When done with edits, simply run the script --- it will go to DATADIR and submit job for every sample listed in samples_list.txt (SAMPLES):


Result for each library will be copied back into DATADIR, e.g. XXX/1_data/lib_01/2_dedup. It's possible to move report files into their directories by something like:

while read L; do mv HybPiper."$L".[eo]* "$L"/; done < samples_list.txt

All outputs can be moved from XXX/1_data/lib_01/2_dedup to XXX/2_seqs by running something like the following command in DATADIR:

mv *.dedup ../../../2_seqs/

Finally, all processed samples (directories created by HybPiper) should be in directory XXX/2_seqs.

2.2. Retrieving sequences and obtain statistics with HybPiper

Used scripts: and

All processed samples (directories created by HybPiper) should be in directory 2_seqs. If merging multiple libraries, either merge the samples_list.txt from each library, or run in 2_seqs directory something like:

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 's/^\.\///' | sort | tail -n+2 > samples_list.txt

to create new samples_list.txt listing all samples.

Script contains settings for submission of the task on cluster using PBS Pro and runs to retrieve sequences from HybPiper outputs and to obtain retrieval statistics.

It requires HybPiper with its dependencies.

Edit variables in

  • WORKDIR --- Point to hybseq directory containing this script set.
  • BAITFILE --- Reference bait FASTA file (see for details) --- must be relative path within WORKDIR
  • DATADIR --- Point to directory containing all outputs of HybPiper from previous step and samples_list.txt listing them, e.g. XXX/2_seqs.
  • SAMPLES --- File name of list of samples according to HybPiper requirements to be processed.

Calculations are done directly in DATADIR, e.g. XXX/2_dedup (HybPiper generates a lot of small files, copying them there and back can cause very high I/O for server). This step use to be quick. After adding new sequenced library, this step and all following steps must be repeated.

HybPiper statistics are in files seq_lengths.tsv (table of length of each retrieved sequence in every sample; and transposed version seq_lengths_transp.tsv), hybpiper_stats.tsv (sequence statistics, see manual), and paralog statistics in paralog_report.tsv (and transposed version paralog_report_transp.tsv).

Statistics of how many was each sample retrieved from the sequences are in file presence_of_samples_in_contigs.tsv. Note that for every probe sequence, three contigs are produced (for respective exon, intron and supercontig). Divide 'Total number of contigs' by three to get number of probes. Similarly divide number of occurrence of each sample by three. You can calculate percentage of presence of each sample in all contigs (from total number of contigs). If some sample is recovered in less than ca. 50% of contigs, consider its removal.

3. Alignments of all contigs

Used scripts:,, hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r and

Aligns all FASTA files in DATADIR named *.FNA or *.fasta (output of, for each of them submits job using qsub to process the sample with MAFFT and R (see in rpackages directory for installation of needed R packages).

Script contains settings (paths etc.) needed for submission of the task on cluster using PBS Pro. It is using qsub to submit to align all FASTA files (named *.FNA or *.fasta) retrieved by (in directory like XXX/2_dedup) with MAFFT and R. For every *.FNA or *.fasta file (created by script submits individual job with Finally, hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r is using MAFFT and R to process the file. This script can be edited to use different alignment settings.

It requires MAFFT and R. See in rpackages directory for installation of needed R packages.

Edit variables in

  • WORKDIR --- Point to hybseq directory containing this script set.
  • DATADIR --- Point to directory containing all outputs of HybPiper from previous step, e.g. XXX/2_seqs.

Depending on the cluster (if using something else than MetaCentrum) script will have to be edited (e.g. loading needed software modules by module add). As hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r contains settings for alignment of each input file, especially filtering after alignment by MAFFT, it can be edited to alter produced alignments.

When done with edits, simply run the script --- it will go to DATADIR and submit job for every FASTA file (all *.FNA and *.fasta files):


Result will be copied into newly created directory aligned in DATADIR directory, e.g. XXX/2_seqs/aligned. Reports of PBS Pro use to be in DATADIR and should be also moved to the aligned directory (e.g. mv HybSeq.alignment.* aligned/). Everything should be moved from XXX/2_seqs/aligned to XXX/3_aligned.

Finally, alignments should be sorted using The script requires two arguments --- directory to process and path to list of samples (i.e. samples_list.txt in 2_seqs), so run it like:

./ -p XXX/3_aligned -s XXX/2_seqs/samples_list.txt | tee hybseq_align_postprocess.log
mv hybseq_align_postprocess.log XXX/3_aligned/

Note that the script should be runned when all alignments are in final destination, i.e. XXX/3_aligned.

Script will create directories exons, introns and supercontigs and move there respective files. It will also create three lists of minimum evolution gene trees (trees_exons.nwk, trees_introns.nwk and trees_supercontigs.nwk) and files with statistics (alignments_stats_exons.tsv, alignments_stats_introns.tsv and alignments_stats_supercontigs.tsv). The TSV files show number of sequences in each alignment file, number of sites (length of the sequence) and number of sites with 1, 2, 3 or 4 observed bases (6 data columns). These statistics can help to discard too short or otherwise problematic alignments.

The tree lists contain on the beginning of each line name of respective genetic region (according to reference bait file). This is advantageous for loading the lists into R, but many software like ASTRAL require each line to start directly with the NEWICK record. If this is the case (e.g. if user does not plan to load the list of gene trees into R), remove the names by something like:

sed -i 's/^[[:graph:]]\+ //' *.nwk

Final output are simple statistics of presence of samples in all alignments (how many times is each sample presented in trimmed alignments), created for exons (presence_of_samples_in_exons.tsv), introns (presence_of_samples_in_introns.tsv) as well as supercontigs (presence_of_samples_in_supercontigs.tsv).

4. Gene trees from all alignments

Used scripts:,, and

Computes gene trees for all aligned contigs named *.aln.fasta (output of hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r) in DATADIR and all subdirectories, for each of them submits job using qsub to process the sample with IQ-TREE.

Script contains settings (paths etc.) needed for submission of the task on cluster using PBS Pro. It is using qsub to submit to compute gene trees from all aligned contigs (output of hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r) with IQ-TREE. For every *.aln.fasta file (created by hybseq_4_alignment_3_run.r) script submits individual job with Finally, is using IQ-TREE to process the file. This script can be edited to use different gene tree inference settings.

It requires IQ-TREE.

Edit variables in

  • WORKDIR --- Point to hybseq directory containing this script set.
  • DATADIR --- Point to directory containing all aligned contigs from previous step, e.g. XXX/3_aligned.

Depending on the cluster (if using something else than MetaCentrum) script will have to be edited (e.g. loading needed software modules by module add). As contains settings for gene tree inference of each input file by IQ-TREE, it can be edited to alter produced gene trees.

When done with edits, simply run the script --- it will go to DATADIR and submit job for every FASTA file (all *.aln.fasta files):


Result will be copied into newly created directory trees in DATADIR directory, e.g. XXX/3_aligned/trees. Reports of PBS Pro use to be in DATADIR and should be also moved to the trees directory (mv HybSeq.genetree.* trees/). Everything should be moved from XXX/3_aligned/trees to XXX/4_gene_trees.

Finally, gene trees should be sorted using The script requires single argument --- directory to process, so run it like:

./ XXX/4_gene_trees | tee hybseq_gene_trees_postprocess.log
mv hybseq_gene_trees_postprocess.log XXX/4_gene_trees/

Script will create directories exons, introns and supercontigs and move there respective files. It will also create three lists of maximum likelihood trees trees (trees_ml_exons.nwk, trees_ml_introns.nwk and trees_ml_supercontigs.nwk) and three lists of consensus bootstrapped trees (trees_cons_exons.nwk, trees_cons_introns.nwk and trees_cons_supercontigs.nwk).

The tree lists contain on the beginning of each line name of respective genetic region (according to reference bait file). This is advantageous for loading the lists into R, but many software like ASTRAL require each line to start directly with the NEWICK record. If this is the case (e.g. if user does not plan to load the list of gene trees into R), remove the names by something like:

sed -i 's/^[[:graph:]]\+ //' *.nwk

5. Species trees from sets of gene trees

The final step is to create species tree out of set of gene trees from previous steps. Lists of gene trees can be compared and outliers (trees with significant different topology than majority) can be detected, explored and possibly removed. Following code and hybseq_6_sp_tree_* scripts serve rather like inspiration than fixed workflow.

5.1. Exploration of differences among gene trees, filtration of gene trees

Comparison of gene trees start with identifying trees with significantly different topology. There are several distance matrices allowing compare topological differences among trees (and subsequently plot heatmap, PCoA, etc.) - to compare topology of trees, we need some apropriate distance matrix, but there is no general agreement which is the best, all have issues. In any case, the resulting distance must be Euclidean.

Common distance comparing multiple phylogenetic trees is Robinsons-Foulds distance (phytools::multiRF in R). The index adds 1 for each difference between pair of trees. Well defined only for fully bifurcating trees --- if not fulfilled, some results might be misleading. Allow comparison of trees created by different methods. If the difference is very close to root, RF value can be large, even there are not much differences in the tree at all --- e.g. geodesic distance (dist.multiPhylo in R) can be an alternative, although its interpretation is sometimes not so straightforward as simple logic of RF. There are more options in R. Methods implemented in ape::dist.topo allow comparison of trees with polytomies (method="PH85") or use of squared lengths of internal branches (method="score").

if the final distance matrix is not Euclidean (test in R with ade4::is.euclid), it can be scaled by ade4::quasieuclid or ade4::cailliez, but it can damage meaning of the data.

Software and tasks:

  • Identification, inspection and possible removal of gene trees with significantly different topology, e.g. by R and packages ape and kdetrees, or by TreeShrink.
  • Comparison of gene trees, e.g. heatmaps and PCoA by R and packages ade4, ape, distory, phytools.
  • Comparison of (several) (species) trees, R and packages ape or phytools.

We will get matrix of pairwise differences among trees (from multiple genes), we need display and analyze it:

# Install needed packages
install.packages(pkgs=c("ape", "ade4", "distory", "gplots", "ggplot2",
  "phangorn", "phytools"), repos="", dependencies="Imports")
# Load libraries
# Load the list of trees
trees <- read.tree(file="trees_ml_exons.nwk")
trees # See it
print(trees, details=TRUE)
# Root all trees
trees <- root.multiPhylo(phy=trees, outgroup="o_purpurascens_S482", resolve.root=TRUE)
print(trees, details=TRUE)
# Compute distance of topological similarities
trees.d <- dist.topo(x=trees, method="score") # Of course, another method can be selected
# Plot the heatmap e.g. using gplots::heatmap
png(filename="trees_dist.png", width=10000, height=10000)
  heatmap.2(x=as.matrix(trees.d), Rowv=FALSE, Colv="Rowv", dendrogram="none", symm=TRUE, scale="none",
    na.rm=TRUE, revC=FALSE, col=rainbow(15), cellnote=as.matrix(trees.d), notecex=1, notecol="white",
    trace="none", labRow=rownames(as.matrix(trees.d)), labCol=colnames (as.matrix(trees.d)), key=FALSE,
    main="Correlation matrix of topographical distances") # Saves the image
# Test if the distance matrix is Euclidean
is.euclid(distmat=as.dist(trees.d), plot=TRUE, tol=1e-05)

Now it is possible to get PCoA of differences among the trees. If some gene tree is identified as an outlier, it should be explored. It can be paralog, but it can be also result of some technical problem, low quality DNA, etc. Such trees can be removed from the list.

# PCoA
trees.pcoa <- dudi.pco(d=trees.d, scannf=FALSE, nf=5)
# Plot PCoA - this is only basic display
s.kde2d(dfxy=trees.pcoa$li, cpoint=0, add.plot=TRUE)
add.scatter.eig(trees.pcoa[["eig"]], 3,1,2, posi="bottomleft")
title("PCoA of matrix of pairwise trees distances")
# Remove outlying trees
trees[c("Assembly_1556", "Assembly_13627")] <- NULL # For example

Now you can repeat recalculation of distance matrix and PCoA and possibly remove more trees...

Kdetrees finds discordant phylogenetic trees. It produces relative scores (and list of passing/discarded trees and graphical outputs) --- high are relatively similar to each other, low dissimilar (discordant with the others). In kdetrees::kdetrees(), value of k (see code below) is responsible for threshold for removal of outliers --- play with it.

# Run kdetrees to detect outliers - play with k
?kdetrees # See options for kdetrees
trees.kde <- kdetrees(trees=trees, k=0.5, distance="dissimilarity", topo.only=FALSE, greedy=TRUE) # Play with k!
# See text results with list of outlying trees
# See graphical results
# See removed trees
# Save removed trees
write.tree(phy=trees.kde[["outliers"]], file="trees_outliers.nwk")
# Save kdetrees report
write.table(, file="trees_scores.tsv", quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
# Extract passing trees
trees.good <- trees[names(trees) %in% names(trees.kde[["outliers"]]) == FALSE]
# Save passing trees
write.tree(phy=trees.good, file="trees_good.nwk")

TreeShrink implements an algorithm for detecting abnormally long branches in one or more phylogenetic trees. It requires R to be installed. Output (2 files) is saved into directory (in our case) trees_good_treeshrink (see code below). File *.nwk contains new list of phylogenetic trees in NEWICK which can be then used as an input for any species tree reconstruction software (e.g. ASTRAL below). File *_RS_*.txt is bit hard to read, it has one line for every tree in the input list and every line contains list of removed tips. If there is an empty line, no tip was removed from that particular tree. Trees are not named, only in same order as in the original input file.

# Clone Git repository and install TreeShrink
# Go to ~/bin directory
cd ~/bin/ || { mkdir ~/bin && cd ~/bin/; }
# Download TreeShrink
git clone
cd TreeShrink/
# Install it
python3 install --user # Or if using conda
# Go to directory with input file trees_good.nwk and run TreeShrink -t trees_good.nwk -o treeshrink_exons -O treeshrink_exons | tee treeshrink.log
# Find out how many times particular sample was removed from the list of the trees
grep -o "\<[[:graph:]]\+\>" treeshrink_exons/treeshrink_exons.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -gr

5.2. Species trees

Used scripts: and

Creates species trees from all sets of gene trees named *.nwk (output of, possibly after manual filtration above) in DATADIR on cluster using PBS Pro (using qsub).

It requires ASTRAL.

The tree lists created by contain on the beginning of each line name of respective genetic region (according to reference bait file). This is advantageous for loading the lists into R, but ASTRAL requires each line to start directly with the NEWICK record. Remove the names by something like:

sed -i 's/^[[:graph:]]\+ //' trees_{cons,ml}_{exons,introns,supercontigs}.nwk

Before running Tree lists exported from R or another software like TreeShrink above can be directly used for this script --- in such case do not run the above command!

When ready, submit the job by something like:

qsub -l walltime=4:0:0 -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb:scratch_local=1gb -m abe \

Output files with species trees are prefixed by sp_ and *.log files contain complete record of running ASTRAL.

There are plenty of options for species tree reconstruction. E.g. R has parsimony implemented in phangorn::superTree or phytools::mrp.supertree. Distance-based tree reconstruction is in ape::speciesTree and coalescence model handling multiple individuals per species is in phangorn::coalSpeciesTree. Examples below are very basic.

# Compute parsimony super tree
?superTree # See help first...
tree.sp <- superTree(tree=trees.good, method="NNI", rooted=TRUE, trace=2,
  start=NULL, multicore=TRUE)
tree.sp # See details
# Root it
tree.sp <- root(phy=tree.sp, outgroup=c("Riedelia-arfakensis_S49_L001",
  "Zingiber-officinale_S242_L001"), resolve.root=TRUE)
# Save parsimony super tree
write.tree(phy=tree.sp, file="parsimony_sp_tree.nwk")
# Plot parsimony super tree
plot.phylo(x=tree.sp, type="phylogram", edge.width=2, label.offset=0.01, cex=1.2)
# Tune display of the tree...
# See help...
# All trees must be ultrametric - chronos scale them
trees.ultra <- lapply(X=trees.good, FUN=chronos, model="correlated")
class(trees.ultra) <- "multiPhylo"
# Calculate the species tree
# tree.sp.mean <- speciesTree(x=trees.ultra, FUN=mean)
tree.sp2 <- mrp.supertree(tree=trees.good, method="optim.parsimony", rooted=TRUE)
tree.sp2 <- root(phy=tree.sp2, outgroup=c("Riedelia-arfakensis_S49_L001",
  "Zingiber-officinale_S242_L001"), resolve.root=TRUE)
plot.phylo(x=tree.sp2, type="phylogram", edge.width=2, label.offset=0.01, cex=1.2)

Next steps

This section is rather exemplary, showing possible analysis.

1. Consensus network

Available in R in phangorn::consensusNet. Requires same set of tips in all trees.

# Compute consensus network <- consensusNet(obj=trees, prob=0.25)
# Plot the network in 2D or 3D
plot(, planar=FALSE, type="2D", use.edge.length=TRUE, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.edge.label=TRUE,
  show.node.label=TRUE, show.nodes=TRUE, edge.color="black", tip.color="blue") # 2D
plot(, planar=FALSE, type="3D", use.edge.length=TRUE, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.edge.label=TRUE,
  show.node.label=TRUE, show.nodes=TRUE, edge.color="black", tip.color="blue") # 3D

2. Phylogenetic network

PhyloNet requires as input NEXUS file with settings describing PhyloNet commands (see example below):

... list of trees from trees_good.nwk newick file ...
# Ever tree starts with:
Tree TreeID = (tree in NWK)
... # All other trees ...
InferNetwork_MP (all) 1 -b 50 -x 5 -pl 2 -di;

The PHYLONET section of the above input NEXUS contains settings according to list of commands. TreeID can be completely random, or simple consecutive sequence like GT0001--GT####. PhyloNet can be computationally very demanding, calculating more than 1--3 reticulations can be unrealistic in terms of time needed...

When the input file is ready (see also tutorial and help), running PhyloNet is simple, but can take very long time and require a lot of resources:

# Download binary JAR file (ready to run)
# Running PhyloNet
java -Xmx8g -jar PhyloNet.jar trees_good.nex | tee phylonet_exons.log

It does not save output file, the network in special NWK format for Dendroscope is on the end --- copy it from terminal (after Visualize in Dendroscope :) or log file and save as tiny TXT, which can be opened in Dendroscope.

3. Comparing species tree and gene trees

Comparison of species tree and gene trees by phyparts and visualization with MJPythonNotebooks. It requires maven and several Python packages (see below).

# Go to ~/bin directory
cd ~/bin/ || { mkdir ~/bin && cd ~/bin/; }
# Install Phyparts
git clone
cd phyparts/
# Install dependencies
# Install PhyParts_PieCharts
git clone
# Or on MetaCentrum...
module add phyparts/0.0.1
# Split list of trees into individual files
mkdir trees_good
split -a 4 -d -l 1 trees_good.nwk trees_good/trees_good_
ls trees_good/
# If applicable, open parsimony_sp_tree.nwk and remove 'Root' directive
# Remove IQTREE ultrafast bootstrap values from gene trees
sed -i 's/\/[0-9]\{1,3\}//g' trees_good/trees_*
# Analysis with phyparts
java -jar ~/bin/phyparts/target/phyparts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
java -jar ~/bin/phyparts/target/phyparts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -a 1 -d trees_good -m parsimony_sp_tree.nwk -o trees_good_res -s 0.5 -v
# Copy to directory with trees
cp ~/bin/phyparts/MJPythonNotebooks/ .
# See help for
python --help
# Pie chart: concordance (blue) top conflict (green), other conflict (red),
# no signal (gray)
# Run to get the graphical output
python --svg_name trees_good_res.svg parsimony_sp_tree.nwk \
  trees_good_res 216

4. Comparing two or more trees

Comparing two trees — cophyloplots Slightly different implementation in R packages ape ( cophyloplot ) and phytools ( cophylo ) See help pages and play with graphical parameters

# We need 2 column matrix with tip labels
tips.labels <- matrix(data=c(sort(tree.sp[["tip.label"]]), sort(tree.sp2[["tip.label"]])),
  nrow=length(tree.sp[["tip.label"]]), ncol=2)
# Draw the tree, play with graphical parameters
# Click to nodes to rotate them to get better display
cophyloplot(x=tree.sp, y=tree.sp2, assoc=tips.labels, use.edge.length=FALSE, space=60,
  length.line=1, gap=2, type="phylogram", rotate=TRUE, col="red", lwd=1.5, lty=2)
# Slihtly better display in phytools::cophylo
trees.cophylo <- cophylo(tr1=tree.sp, tr2=tree.sp2, assoc=tips.labels, rotate=TRUE)
plot.cophylo(x=trees.cophylo, lwd=2, link.type="curved")

Density tree The trees should be (otherwise plotting works, but may be more ugly) rooted, ultrametric and binary bifurcating implementations are in phangorn ( densiTree ) and phytools ( densityTree )

is.rooted.multiPhylo(trees.ultra) # rooted
is.ultrametric.multiPhylo(trees.ultra) # ultrametric
is.binary.multiPhylo(trees.ultra) # binary bifurcating
# See help page
# Plotting density trees
densiTree(x=trees.ultra, scaleX=TRUE, col=rainbow(6), width=5, cex=1.5)
densiTree(x=trees.ultra, direction="upwards", scaleX=TRUE, width=5)
densiTree(x=trees.ultra, scaleX=TRUE, width=5, cex=1.5)
densiTree(x=trees.ultra[1:10], scaleX=TRUE, width=5, cex=1.25)

Different display for multiple trees phytools::densiTree requires same number of tips in all trees Note various ways how to select trees to display Nodes of the trees are not rotated (the display might be suboptimal)

# Plotting density trees
densityTree(trees=c(tree.sp, tree.sp2), fix.depth=TRUE, lwd=4)
densityTree(trees=trees.ultra, fix.depth=TRUE, use.gradient=TRUE, alpha=0.5,
densityTree(trees=trees.ultra[1:3], fix.depth=TRUE, use.gradient=TRUE,
  alpha=0.5, lwd=4)
densityTree(trees=trees.ultra[c(2, 4, 6)], fix.depth=TRUE, use.gradient=TRUE,
  alpha=0.5, lwd=4)