I'm Brian Icaro, known in some places as Amondir, a Frontend Engineer from Espírito Santo, Brazil, that reached the World, and moved to Lisbon - Portugal, in April/22
🔭 I’m currently working at Yooga
🌱 I’m currently learning JS in deep, and achieving proficiency in:
- Automatized tests with Jest and RTL;
- The Hard parts of Javascript
- The New Hard Parts
- And some more knowledge about other areas, such as CI/CD, backend with node or Ruby, and etc.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
📫 How to reach me:
⚡ Fun facts:
- I played WoW for a long time with the nickname of Amondir, and almost every season that I play, I parse into top100 worldwide.
- I discovered in 2021 that I have ADHD, and in 2022 that I'm an Autistic Person, and for not being medicated/diagnosed as child , I had to develop a list of habits and rules to make myself productive.
- I rediscovered an old passion for Magic the Gathering, comming back to play EDH/Commander in 2022, and mostly of my decks can be found here
None of my Decks are good.
🐱 Cat Name: Mephisto