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Personal finance, expenses tracking, splitting, receipt photos automatic recognition


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UnoSD/UnoCash is just for C# end-to-end demo purposes

UnoSD/UnoCash.Fable is F# end-to-end under active development

This tool is an attempt to consolidate and improve several other tools I use for personal finance:

  • A desktop application I use to store transactions and get reports with graphs
  • A bill splitting SaaS tool called Splitwise which works with a web app or mobile app to share and keep track of shared expenses both in groups in between individuals
  • A tool to automatically recognise receipts from pictures and populate a transaction (this is not something I use, but I do manually at the moment)
  • Potentially, using mobile payment methods to feed directly data into UnoCash without using receipts at all (when you're not paying cash)


Outdated infrastructure diagram


I am using the latest modern (and cool) technologies available; several are in preview, but, for now, this is not something I mean to publish as a stable production system; by the time (and if) is completed it they will likely be GA.

It is also something I will probably use in my tech talks as a prototype of a modern serverless SaaS application.

The project uses:

  • Fable client side to create a SPA in F# and to have full end-to-end F# experience, it also allows sharing of libraries between front end and back end making my life easier and it's awesome compared to text-searching JavaScript and getting version conflicts between DTOs updated on either end
  • Azure Functions as a serverless microservice back end, deployed in a consumption plan so extremely cheap
  • Azure Storage blobs to host the static website so no need for any compute for the front end
  • Azure Tables for storage, because it's way cheaper than Cosmos DB and it is behind the same SDK API so it can be easily migrated
  • Azure Form Recognizer to analyse receipt photos and extract data
  • Azure API Management on a consumption plan to manage calls from the front end to back end, adding security and quotas
  • Azure AD for authentication
  • Pulumi for deployments (using my Pulumi.FSharp.Extensions DSL library for idiomatic F# feel)
  • FAKE to build and deploy the application and the infrastructure

It will use soon-ish:

  • Azure AD B2C for identity
  • Not that soon: Azure Front Door for WAF, CDN and global load balancing
  • Not that soon: AKS to host analytics services

Setting up Pulumi config

  UnoCash.Pulumi:ApiBuild: {pathToSolution}/UnoCash.Fable/UnoCash.Api/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish
  UnoCash.Pulumi:FableBuild: {pathToSolution}/UnoCash.Fable/UnoCash.Fable/output
  UnoCash.Pulumi:FormRecognizerEndpoint: https://{formRecognizerName}
  UnoCash.Pulumi:FormRecognizerKey: {formRecognizerKey}
  UnoCash.Pulumi:workloadShortName: ucsh
  azure:location: West Europe
  azure-native:location: West Europe



Tested with

  • Fable 3.7.20
  • FAKE 5.23.1
  • Paket 7.2.0

Watch Fable project

paket install yarn install fable watch . --run webpack-dev-server

Fix Paket TLS error