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Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.


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AppAuth for Android

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AppAuth for Android is a client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers. It strives to directly map the requests and responses of those specifications, while following the idiomatic style of the implementation language. In addition to mapping the raw protocol flows, convenience methods are available to assist with common tasks like performing an action with fresh tokens.

The library follows the best practices set out in OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps including using Custom Tabs for the auth request. For this reason, WebView is explicitly not supported due to usability and security reasons.

The library also supports the PKCE extension to OAuth which was created to secure authorization codes in public clients when custom URI scheme redirects are used. The library is friendly to other extensions (standard or otherwise) with the ability to handle additional parameters in all protocol requests and responses.

A talk providing an overview of using the library for enterprise single sign-on (produced by Google) can be found here: Enterprise SSO with Chrome Custom Tabs.


Instructions for downloading AppAuth or adding a dependency using Maven, Gradle or Ivy can be found on our Bintray page.


Supported Android Versions

AppAuth supports Android API 16 (Jellybean) and above.

When a Custom Tabs implementation is provided by a browser on the device (for example by Chrome), Custom Tabs are used for authorization requests. Otherwise, the default browser is used as a fallback.

Authorization Server Support

Both Custom URI Schemes (all supported versions of Android) and App Links (API 23+) can be used with the library.

In general, AppAuth can work with any Authorization Server (AS) that supports native apps, either through custom URI scheme redirects, or App Links. AS's that assume all clients are web-based or require clients to maintain confidentiality of the client secrets may not work well.

Building the Project


The project requires the Android SDK for API level 25 (Nougat) to build, though the produced binaries only require API level 16 (Jellybean) to be used.

Configure the Demo App

Follow the instructions in app/ to configure the demo app with your own OAuth client.

Building from the Command line

AppAuth for Android uses Gradle as its build system. In order to build the library and app binaries, run ./gradlew assemble. The library AAR files are output to library/build/outputs/aar, while the demo app is output to app/build/outputs/apk. In order to run the tests and code analysis, run ./gradlew check.

The build script attempts to guess the location of your SDK by looking at the values of $ANDROID_SDK_HOME and $ANDROID_HOME. If neither of these are defined or are not the SDK you wish to use, you must create a file in the project root. This file must define a property sdk.dir that points to your SDK root directory. For example:


Building from Android Studio

In AndroidStudio, File -> New -> Import project. Select the root folder (the one with the build.gradle file).

If you get an error like: Error:Could not find then be sure you have installed the Android Support Library from the Android SDK Manager. Follow the Android Studio prompts to resolve the dependencies automatically.

Auth Flow

AppAuth supports both manual interaction with the Authorization Server where you need to perform your own token exchanges, as well as convenience methods that perform some of this logic for you. This example performs a manual exchange, and stores the result as an AuthState object.

Tracking authorization state

AuthState is a class that keeps track of the authorization and token requests and responses, and provides a convenience method to call an API with fresh tokens. This is the only object that you need to serialize to retain the authorization state of the session. Typically, one would do this by storing the authorization state in SharedPreferences or some other persistent store private to the app:

@NonNull public AuthState readAuthState() {
  SharedPreferences authPrefs = getSharedPreferences("auth", MODE_PRIVATE);
  String stateJson = authPrefs.getString("stateJson");
  AuthState state;
  if (stateStr != null) {
    return AuthState.fromJsonString(stateJson);
  } else {
    return new AuthState();

public void writeAuthState(@NonNull AuthState state) {
  SharedPreferences authPrefs = getSharedPreferences("auth", MODE_PRIVATE);
      .putString("stateJson", state.toJsonString())


You can configure communication with your chosen authorization server by specifying the endpoints directly:

AuthorizationServiceConfiguration config =
        new AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(name, mAuthEndpoint, mTokenEndpoint);

// perform the auth request...

Or through discovery:

final Uri issuerUri = Uri.parse("");
AuthorizationServiceConfiguration config;

    new RetrieveConfigurationCallback() {
      @Override public void onFetchConfigurationCompleted(
          @Nullable AuthorizationServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration,
          @Nullable AuthorizationException ex) {
        if (ex != null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Failed to retrieve configuration for " + issuerUri, ex);
        } else {
            // service configuration retrieved, proceed to authorization...

Additionally, AppAuth provides additional client configuration, in order to control the browsers that can be used for the authorization flow, or to control the HttpURLConnection implementation that is used for token exchange. This can be done by creating an AppAuthConfiguration object:

AppAuthConfiguration appAuthConfig = new AppAuthConfiguration.Builder()
    .setBrowserMatcher(new BrowserWhitelist(
    .setConnectionBuilder(new ConnectionBuilder() {
      public HttpURLConnection openConnect(Uri uri) throws IOException {
        URL url = new URL(uri.toString());
        HttpURLConnection connection =
            (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        if (connection instanceof HttpsUrlConnection) {
          HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) connection;

This configuration will only permit Chrome or Samsung Browser to be used as a custom tab for authorization flows, and changes the SSL socket factory to a hypothetical custom version MySocketFactory. The modification of the socket factory is useful for certificate pinning, or adding some additional certificates to the trusted set (such as for testing).

This configuration is provided to AuthorizationService upon construction:

new AuthorizationService(context, appAuthConfig);

Dynamic client registration

If the server supports dynamic client registration, a new registration request can be constructed for dispatch:

RegistrationRequest registrationRequest = new RegistrationRequest.Builder(

Requests are dispatched with the help of AuthorizationService. As this request is asynchronous the response is passed to a callback:

    new AuthorizationService.RegistrationResponseCallback() {
        @Override public void onRegistrationRequestCompleted(
            @Nullable RegistrationResponse resp,
            @Nullable AuthorizationException ex) {
            if (resp != null) {
                // registration succeeded, store the registration response
                AuthState state = new AuthState(resp);
                //proceed to authorization...
            } else {
              // registration failed, check ex for more details


After configuring or retrieving an authorization service configuration, an authorization request can be constructed for dispatch:

AuthorizationRequest req = new AuthorizationRequest.Builder(

Requests are dispatched with the help of AuthorizationService. As this will open a custom tab or browser instance to fulfill this request. An intent can be specified for both completion and cancelation of the authorization flow:

AuthorizationService service = new AuthorizationService(context);
Intent postAuthIntent = new Intent(context, MyAuthResultHandlerActivity.class);
Intent authCanceledIntent = new Intent(context, MyAuthCanceledHandlerActivity.class);
    PendingIntent.getActivity(context, req.hashCode(), postAuthIntent, 0),
    PendingIntent.getActivity(context, req.hashCode(), authCanceledIntent, 0));

Handling the Redirect

We recommend using a custom scheme to send the OAuth redirect back to your app. It is strongly recommended to use "reverse domain name notation" which is a naming convention based on the domain name system, but where the domain components are reversed, for example "" becomes "". The library configures the RedirectUriReceiverActivity to handle a custom scheme defined as a "manifest placeholder" which can be replaced by adding the following to your build.gradle:

android.defaultConfig.manifestPlaceholders = [
  'appAuthRedirectScheme': ''

Instead of this, you can directly declare the redirect URI by adding the following to your AndroidManifest.xml:

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme=""/>

This latter option can also be used to capture HTTP(S) redirects if necessary:

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme="https"

When the response is captured by RedirectUriReceiverActivity, it is ultimately forwarded to the activity specified in your completion intent, and can be extracted from the intent data:

public void onCreate(Bundle b) {
  // ...
  AuthorizationResponse resp = AuthorizationResponse.fromIntent(getIntent());
  AuthorizationException ex = AuthorizationException.fromIntent(getIntent());
  if (resp != null) {
    // authorization succeeded
  } else {
    // authorization failed, check ex for more details
  // ...

The full redirect URI is also provided in your completion intent:

public void onCreate(Bundle b) {
  // ...
  Uri redirectUri = getIntent().getData();
  // ...

Given the auth response, a token request can be created to exchange the authorization code:

    new AuthorizationService.TokenResponseCallback() {
      @Override public void onTokenRequestCompleted(
            TokenResponse resp, AuthorizationException ex) {
          if (resp != null) {
            // exchange succeeded
          } else {
            // authorization failed, check ex for more details

If a confidential client is created through dynamic registration, and the server expects the client to authenticate at the token endpoint, the necessary client authentication must be supplied in the token request. This can be simplified by making sure to store the registration response in the AuthState instance, then AuthState::getClientAuthentication can construct the necessary client authentication:

    new AuthorizationService.TokenResponseCallback() {
      @Override public void onTokenRequestCompleted(
            TokenResponse resp, AuthorizationException ex) {
          if (resp != null) {
            // exchange succeeded
          } else {
            // authorization failed, check ex for more details

Making API Calls

With an updated AuthState based on the token exchange, it is then possible to make requests using guaranteed fresh tokens at any future point:

AuthState state = readAuthState();
state.performActionWithFreshTokens(service, new AuthStateAction() {
  @Override public void execute(
      String accessToken,
      String idToken,
      AuthorizationException ex) {
    if (ex != null) {
      // negotiation for fresh tokens failed, check ex for more details

    // use the access token to do something ...


Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.







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