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Gatsby Starter Skeleton

NPM Version Build Status DUB

Gatsby Compatibility

Important: This starter has been upgraded to work with Gatsby v2. To use with Gatsby v1 use packages 1.x.x or the for-gatsby-v1 branch.

This is a starter for a static site built with Gatsby. There is a demo version that outlines the features included in this starter here. It's designed as a personal site for a developer or designer, with both Articles and Projects resource types, and tagging and categorising for Articles, however it would work well for anyone looking for a full-featured blog or personal site. The site is responsive, accessible and search-engine friendly.


To build a new Gatsby project using this as your starter:

gatsby new project


This starter uses a custom configuration which allows for a significant amount of customisation without touching any other parts of the starter. Take a look at src/site-config.js to see the available settings.



Linting is via ESLint and Prettier, configured in .eslintrc and .prettierrc respectively.


Install all NPM modules:


Run the site on the development server:

yarn run dev

Open development server in default browser (https://localhost:8000):

yarn run open

Build a production version of the site to /public:

yarn run build

Run the built version of the site locally: Note: you need to build the site first.

yarn run serve


The root project contains very minimal content - just enough to get someone started. However the demo version also acts as documentation, so a separate version must be built and deployed to Github Pages.

This process consists of the following steps:

  1. A new Gatsby project is created in ./demo/project, using this project's master branch from Github as its starter.

  2. The content for the demo is swapped in for the default content, using the contents of the ./demo/content directory.

  3. A pathPrefix config option is injected into gatsby-config.js

  4. The demo version is built to ./demo/project/public

  5. The demo version is deployed to Github pages.

There are granular commands for each step:

  • demo:import
  • demo:copy
  • demo:build
  • demo:deploy
  • demo:open

Or the entire process can be run using:

yarn demo

There are also convenience commands for testing the demo locally:

  • demo:dev
  • `demo:serve