This implementation of a RESTful API embraces various architectural styles and design patterns, including Clean Architecture, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), CQRS, MediatR, ASP.NET Core Identity, JWT authentication, Entity Framework Core (Code First), Swagger UI, Response Wrappers, Serilog for logging, and robust exception handling.
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To get started with this repository, clone it locally or download the source code. 📥
Database-related changes are managed in the Infrastructure Project and are configured to connect to a local MSSQL server. All migrations are in place, and there is seed data available. To start the project, configure the connection to your SQL Server, and then simply launch it. The project is set up to create the database and execute migrations with seed data. 🌱
The main objective of this repository is to provide a foundational structure for building Domain-Driven Design (DDD)-based applications or well-factored SOLID applications using the latest .NET version. While it doesn't include every possible framework or tool, it offers modularity and encapsulation, allowing you to easily integrate your technology of choice. 🏆