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ubudu Mesh SDK for iOS allows devices to connect to a Mesh network, in order to create two-way communication.

The following details the steps to add Mesh capability to your iOS app.

To help you further, we're giving you an Example of sample implementation code.

System and hardware requirements

For iBeacon related features:

  • iOS 7.0 or higher (IOS 7.1.2 or iOS 8.0+ recommended).

  • iPhone 4S / iPad 3rd generation / iPad mini / iPod touch 5th generation, or any more recent device.

Configure your Mesh network

First of all, you have to prepare your uBeacon Mesh devices, and to setup the Mesh network properties from the ubudu Manager. If you're following the step-by-step instructions in ubudu's Knowledge Base, then you should already have done it. Go straight to the next chapter.


Once logged in, go to the tab 'Devices', 'Edit' the beacon you want to configure, then you'll reach the Mesh network settings at the bottom of the page. Now, you'll be able to setup :

  • The UUID of the Mesh network
  • The Mesh network settings
  • The beacon ID in the Mesh network
  • Indicate if the node is connected to the Internet

Add the SDK to a project

Setting up the ubudu Mesh SDK on an iOS native app only takes a few minutes, either using CocoaPods (recommended) or manually.

Using CocoaPods

This is the easiest way to get started. Add to your Podfile the line pod 'UbuduMeshSDK', then execute pod install.

If you are not already using CocoaPods for your project, you can get started by reading the CocoaPods documentation.


If you don't want to use CocoaPods, you can manually install the SDK:

  1. Drag & drop the UbuduMeshSDK.framework folder into the "Frameworks" folder of your project in XCode. If needed, check the "Copy items into destination group's folder" option.

  2. Add the following list of frameworks and libraries to your project, if not already displayed.

    • "Foundation"
    • "CoreBluetooth"
  3. In your project settings, follow the steps "General" > "Your Target" > "Build Settings" > "(All)" > "Other Linker Flags". Then, add the flag -ObjC.

Import the SDK

Import the SDK in the header file.

#import <UbuduMeshSDK/UbuduMeshSDK.h>

Start/stop the service

To use Mesh in your app you need to start the service :UBeaconMeshManager * meshManager

It may done by calling [self.meshManager startScanning].

startScanning method starts the search for enabled Mesh beacons.

To stop searching for Mesh beacons, call the stopScanning method.

Discover nearby Mesh beacons

UBUMeshBeaconManagerDelegate provides callback method which you can implement to receive events from the ubudu Manager:

Implement the method below to receive events relevant to your application :
- (void)meshManager:(UBUMeshBeaconManager *)meshManager didUpdateVisibleAndConnectableNodes:(NSArray *)meshNodes;

meshManager method callbacks :

  • meshNodes : array of objects of UBUMeshBeacon class

Send a message

To send message through a Mesh network, use the following method :

- (void)sendMeshMessage:(NSString *)meshMessage
              networkId:(NSUUID *)networkId

sendMeshMessage method parameters:

  • meshMessage is a string containing the Mesh message to be send. It should be no longer than 16 bytes.

  • networkId is a string containing the Mesh network UUID. meshId should be part of the network.

  • address may be the target Mesh beacon address in decimal format. The value Should be between 1-32767.

sendMeshMessage method callbacks :

  • successBlock indicates whether the message was sent or not
  • progressBlock indicates the retries (10times) after a failure
  • failedBlock indicates failure to send the message. Failure can be cause by a time out / nearby node not connectable / mesh service missed.

Receive a message

If iOS device is connected to mesh beacon it will be notified about incoming message via the delegate method - (void)meshManager:(UBUMeshBeaconManager *)meshManager didReceiveMeshData:(NSData *)meshData from:(NSData *)sourceAddress;

  • meshData is the package of data received
  • sourceAddress is the sender's address