Welcome to the Titanic Classification Model repository! This project features a machine learning model designed to predict passenger survival using the Titanic dataset. The model is conveniently packaged using tox
for efficient environment management.
Clone the repository and set up the environment with just a few commands:
git clone https://github.com/Ubeydkhoiri/titanic-classification-model.git
cd titanic-classification-model
pip install tox
Utilize the power of tox to streamline your workflow with two dedicated virtual environments:
- test_package: Execute train_pipeline.py and run pytest on the tests.
tox -e test_package
- checks: Perform type checking, linting, and formatting checks with flake8, isort, black, and mypy.
tox -e checks
We welcome contributions! Prior to submitting a pull request, ensure your code aligns with project standards by running the provided checks and tests using tox.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Happy coding!