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Releases: Tzesh/TzeBot


17 Oct 17:23
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Major update

  • MongoDB support has been added to the bot. Now you can choose whether you want to store your data in local file or a mongodb server just like editing .env file:


  • Also some code improvements have been made to decrease answer time.


If you are using previous versions of TzeBot please make sure to backup your DB file. This version is not compatible for now for previous DB versions.


12 Oct 18:57
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Fixed a bug that prevents playing youtube videos from urls


08 Oct 01:33
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TzeBot v4.0.0 - Huge Code Refactoring

I was planning to refactor whole project due to its one of my first projects and it was not well-written. This version of TzeBot includes more and more to the developers that planning to develop their discord bots using this substructure.

There can be seem that nothing is changed on the end user side except response times but there is one thing that for sure, nearly everything is changed. All the structure, OOP mechanism, event handling and listening flow have been changed. I think in that structure you'll be able to find your way much more easier and develop new things in a much more efficient way. Also I added a logging mechanism to follow up your applications detailed information.

### Disclaimer
If you are using previous versions of TzeBot please make sure to backup your DB file. This version is not compatible for now for previous DB versions. In the next couple months I'll be looking for better options to store data.


05 Apr 17:40
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Fixed a major bug that prevents bot to do version control

In previous versions this bug prevented version controlling from now on the bot will be able to control version and provide you a update button if needed.


05 Apr 17:28
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Refactored code and fixed a known minor issue

The issue #5 is fixed and general code refactoring has been made. TzeBot used to not stop and clear the queue when forced to disconnect. Also this is fixed by new event handling mechanism.


03 Apr 02:21
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Updated JDA Version

Previous versions of JDA will suffer a bug that causes bot to stuck forever while joining a voice channel. Most likely Discord API has been changed lately and probably these changes caused this problem. Nonetheless upgrading JDA version to v5.0.0-beta-6 solved it out. If there anyone who uses previous versions of TzeBot should be upgrading their versions to not face with that problem.


15 Oct 00:14
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Major changes have been done

  • General project layout has been changed, and namespaces (packages) have been renamed.
  • In the previous versions messages of the bot cannot be changed unless you fork and provide another URL that supports the same scheme as messages.txt, starting from this version every user can easily change the messages just by using the localizer.json file.
  • Maintain, control, and confirm of localizer.json file every time the program starts. If the file does not exist in the direction of the bot or the file is corrupted then a valid copy will be created using this repository.
  • Newly designed version control system check new releases via GitHub API if there is any new release, and the download button will download the latest artifact if there is any new version.
  • Some user-based developments have been canceled such as 'Discord Bot List API' and so on so far.


04 Sep 13:06
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Dependencies have been optimized to upcoming releases

Since Discord and related to that JDA comes with new upgrades/changes project layout/methods changed a bit.

TzeBot v2.53

24 Mar 16:41
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Added 'ban' command

It might be the reason of this update came up.

Fixed minor bugs

There were none major bugs luckily.

TzeBot v2.52

18 Mar 17:00
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Added 2 new parameters to .env in order to support Java API

Until now, you had to edit and re-compile whole project in order to use Java API which sends the statistics about Tzebot. But, after now you can easily send your bot's statistics easily with just adding 2 parameters into .env file. Don't mind if you didn't add your bot yet. I'm planning to update the whole GUI of TzeBot. Stay tuned!

Fixed minor and major bugs

There were few little tiny bugs out there. I handled them, you can enjoy your bug-free TzeBot experience! And before forget, if you encounter any kind of bugs, please don't hesitate to join our support channel to get support and let us to know what kind of issues that we need to handle with...