Arwing's goal is to be a querying engine for finding interactions in a set of SSBM slippi replays.
PLAYER_CHARACTER and OPPONENT_CHARACTER are all-caps character names with space delimited by underscores, ex: GAME_AND_WATCH
DIRECTORY_TO_PARSE parses recursively through each folder and finds each .slp file to analyze. Symlinks are ignored.
INTERACTION is a set of three data fields repeated any amount of times:
- Character Performing Action (In the same format as PLAYER_CHARACTER)
- ACTION_STATE of the action (Action State IDs, Character-Specific Action State IDs)
- Amount of frames between previous action and this action
EXPORT: If the -e flag is specified a json file will be exported for use in in-engine replay with Clippi (loaded in the same way as any clippi combo.json)
- What do top foxes do after drilling pikachu?
- How do players DI out of chaingrabs?
- What does a particular opponent like to do out of laser?
- Missing L-cancels
- Not getting enough galint on ledgedash
- Getting stuck in shine
- Not extending combos as far as possible
- And much much more!
Parse data stream instead of in-memory
Evaluate using concurrency/parallelism
Evaluate using arrow
Cache Data
Refine query system
- Select stages
- Parse by Player Name
- Add Meta-Actions i.e. From-ledge, Wavedash, Retreat, Advance
Create GUI App
- Likely Tauri
- Represent user flow