Extends the support of Merlin firmware to more ASUS routers
Doctrine2 behavioral extensions, Translatable, Sluggable, Tree-NestedSet, Timestampable, Loggable, Sortable
A simple JSON description of the telegram bot API which updates itself every day.
Firefox add-on that allows you to change the audio output device of <audio> and <video> elements.
Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku
BLuFeNiX / SMTShell
Forked from flankerhqd/vendor-android-cvesRun commands as system (uid 1000) on Samsung devices! Includes API for privileged access!
Execute shell commands and load shared objects as the system user (UID 1000) on devices running SMTShell.
Modern super user interface implementation on Android.
The API and the developer guide for Shizuku and Sui.
As of oneui 4.1 with android security patch august 1st of 2023 in android 12, DOES NOT WORK. It might work with update version lower than listed
Force npm to install a specific transitive dependency version
A modern tree/treegrid control for the web
elussich / PreloadJS
Forked from CreateJS/PreloadJSPreloadJS makes preloading assets & getting aggregate progress events easier in JavaScript. It uses XHR2 when available, and falls back to tag-based loading when not.
⛔️ DEPRECATED - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
A command-line installer for Windows.
Cygnative.exe is a wrapper for cygwin programs which call native Win32 programs with stdin and/or stdout handle redirected. Without cygnative.exe it is possible that the native program can not read…
7-Zip with support for Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard
Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening