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redcamp is a script which assists in the process of uploading Bandcamp releases to Redacted. Inspired by REDBetter


  • This script is meant as a helper tool, not a fully automated uploader. Please review all your uploads before making them. Failure to do so can result in a warning or worse.
  • Bandcamp has no restrictions on what can be uploaded. The script has no way to discern a good release from a "spam release". Please make sure your upload meets the criteria before uploading.

Zero Effort, Spam Releases - Creators that prolifically release zero effort content of no value (e.g Paul_DVR, Vap0rwave, Firmensprecher, Phyllomedusa, stretches), often solely for the purpose of spam or upload gain.

  • Although most FLACs on Bandcamp are true lossless, some are lossy that have been transcoded. The script uses Lossless Audio Checker to check for possible transcodes, but it isn't 100% accurate. Please check the spectrals for each release before uploading.
  • The script is not perfect, and sometimes makes mistakes. Use at your own risk.


  • Python 3.6 or newer
  • mktorrent
  • coloredlogs, musicbrainzngs, mutagen, ptpimg_uploader, and verboselogs Python modules
  • sox and ffmpeg
  • Lossless Audio Checker
  • Firefox (for
  • geckodriver_autoinstaller and selenium Python modules (for


ℹ️ If you have Python installed, run to install and configure all of the necessary dependencies (requires sudo).

1. Install Python

Python is available here.

2. Install mktorrent

mktorrent must be built from source, rather than installed using a package manager. For Linux systems, run the following commands in a temporary directory:

$> git clone [email protected]:Rudde/mktorrent.git
$> cd mktorrent
$> make && sudo make install

If you are on a seedbox and you lack the privileges to install packages, you are best off contacting your seedbox provider and asking them to install the listed packages.

3. Install coloredlogs, musicbrainzngs, mutagen, ptpimg_uploader, and verboselogs Python Modules

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Install sox and ffmpeg

These should all be available on your package manager of choice:

  • Debian: sudo apt-get install sox ffmpeg
  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install sox ffmpeg
  • macOS: brew install sox ffmpeg

5. Install Lossless Audio Checker

For Linux systems, run the following commands in the script's directory:

wget --content-disposition "http:"
tar xzvf LAC-Linux-64bit.tar.gz
rm LAC-Linux-64bit.tar.gz

ℹ️ Step 6 and 7 only required if you want to run

6. Install Firefox

Firefox is available here.

7. Install geckodriver_autoinstaller and selenium Python Modules

pip install geckodriver_autoinstaller selenium


Run redcamp by running the script included when you cloned the repository:

$> ./

You will receive a notification stating that you should edit the configuration file located at:


Open this file in your preferred text editor, and configure as desired. The options are as follows:

  • api_key: Your API key. Generate one in your access settings under your profile.
  • session_cookie: Your session_cookie (optional).
  • data_dir: The directory where your torrent downloads are stored.
  • output_dir: The directory where the releases will be downloaded to.
  • torrent_dir: The directory where the generated .torrent files are stored.
  • api_key: Your API key. To find it, login to, open the page source (i.e. "View -> Developer -> View source" menu in Chrome), find the string api_key and copy the hexademical string from the value attribute.

You should also edit the variables blacklisted_tags and cutoff_year in


usage: redcamp [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--download-releases] [--release-file RELEASE_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Location of configuration file (default: ~/.redcamp/config)
  --download-releases   Download releases from file (default: False)
  --release-file RELEASE_FILE
                        Location of release file (default: ./releases.txt)


To scrape the Bandcamp homepage for new free releases:

$> ./

When you run the script it will ask for you the number of releases to grab, I recommend no more than 50 at a time. It will scrape the release URL and the download link (FLAC) and save them to releases.txt. This script requires Firefox ≥ 60 and geckodriver. If you have issues using this script I recommend commenting out the line options.headless = True and running it on a machine with a desktop environment so you can observe the output. If your Firefox version is too old run it on a different machine and copy the release file manually.

To download the releases in releases.txt and upload them:

$> ./ --download-releases

To process and upload the releases in output_dir:

$> ./

If your releases are downloaded automatically REDCamp caches the URLs for later use, otherwise it will attempt to search Bandcamp for the album. Releases from Bandcamp follow the format "<artist> - <album>.zip". Releases are tagged using metadata from Bandcamp and MusicBrainz. If information is missing it will prompt the user to enter it manually. The script also checks if a release is a duplicate on Redacted and skips it.

Spectrals are automatically generated using and uploaded to If a session cookie is added, you can also report the album as a Lossy WEB.

Bugs and Feature Requests

If you have any issues using the script, or would like to suggest a feature, feel free to open an issue in the issue tracker, provided that you have searched for similar issues already. Pull requests are also welcome.



Bandcamp helper tool for Redacted






No releases published
