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Shopee Price Match

Environment setup

  1. Install environment with conda install env.yml

    Alternative, if it doesn't work due to incompatible cudatoolkit, you can edit the env.yml by specifying a compatible cudatoolkit (more info here).

    Utility function to export .yml : conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > env.yml

If you are going to use jupyter notebook

  1. Activate your environment conda activate price_match_env
  2. Install the kernel python -m ipykernel install --user --display_name "price_match_env"
  3. Spin off your jupyter notebook as usual jupyter notebook

Testing Your Environment

Normally, only GPU-dependent modules are problematic.

Test Tensorflow installation:

  1. Activate the environment conda activate price_match
  2. Bring up python shell python
  3. Import and check import tensorflow as tf ; tf.test.is_gpu_available() # Should return True
  4. If you receive error similar to this Could not load dynamic library '', then you need to set your environment variable to point to the the correct folder that contains the library (likely in /home/<your_username>/anaconda3/envs/price_match/lib/). If you only want this variable to be set when your conda env is active, follow this guide here

Test Pytorch installation:

  1. Step 1 and 2 of test tensorflow installation
  2. Import and check import torch ; torch.cuda.get_device_name() # Should return your NVIDA GPU name

Test Xgboost installation:

  1. Step 1 and 2 of test tensorflow installation

  2. Since there is no utility function that helps to check if gpu is available for xgboost, need to write some sample code to test:

    import numpy as np
    import xgboost as xgb
    n = 10_000
    m = 100
    X = np.random.randn(n, m)
    y = np.random.randn(n)
    exp_models = []
    for i in range(3):
        # As long as this runs with no problem, gpu support should be ok
        clf = xgb.XGBRegressor(
            tree_method='gpu_hist', eta=0.1, max_depth=6, verbosity=0)
        trained_model =, y, verbose=False)

Neptune Setup

  1. Sign up for a Neptune account here.
  2. Get your Neptune API Token (on your console, select your profile icon on the top right corner -> Get Your API Token)
  3. Create a new project (e.g. My Shopee Price Match Project)
  4. In your local environment's root, create a .env file with the following lines:

Data & Model Folder Structure

├── efficient_net_b3
│   └── pretrained
│       └── efficientnet_b3.pth
└── indobert_lite_p2
    ├── pretrained
    │   ├── config.json
    │   ├── pytorch_model.bin
    │   ├──
    │   ├── special_tokens_map.json
    │   ├── tf_model.h5
    │   ├── tokenizer_config.json
    │   └── vocab.txt
    └── tokenizer
        ├── special_tokens_map.json
        ├── tokenizer_config.json
        └── vocab.txt
└── raw
    ├── train_images
    │   ├── 0a0d257d1127f7d4298a7753875b372a.jpg
    │   ├── 0a1ad1756ba6219eb2359fd3ed2a7082.jpg
    │   └── 0a1c01e1b84cc6c6655dbf886fd72ead.jpg
    └── train_split_v3.csv

Training all models

  • Simply run bash
  • The following models will be run:
    1. Indobert Lite P2 (NLP) is trained using all data (i.e. no validation)
    2. Efficientnet B3 (IMG) is trained using 4 folds validation (Grouped K Fold - each fold consists of unique label groups)

Kaggle Notebooks

  • Both training and inference notebooks are provided in kaggle_notebooks

Training Notebook

  • To train models on Kaggle environment, you need to provide your Github and Neptune tokens using Kaggle Secrets (In a new Kaggle notebook, navigate to Add-ons -> Secrets; Make sure internet access is enabled)

Submission/ Inference Notebook

  • For submission, since internet access is disabled, you need to install the required packages (Faiss and TIMM) using the wheels uploaded (use the following or upload your own):
  • Also, upload both the pretrained weights and trained weights of the NLP and IMG models to Kaggle as datasets, and attach them to your submission notebook (check that the paths in the notebook are pointing to the right folder - depending on how you named the uploaded files)


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