PHP Insights was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is the perfect starting point to analyze the code quality of your PHP projects. Carefully crafted to simplify the analysis of your code directly from your terminal.
- Analysis of code quality and coding style
- Beautiful overview of code architecture and it's complexity
- Designed to work out-of-the-box with Laravel, Symfony, and more
- Contains built-in checks for making code reliable, loosely coupled, simple, and clean
- Friendly console interface build on top of PHPCS, PHPLOC, and EasyCodingStandard
First, install PHP Insights via the Composer package manager:
composer require nunomaduro/phpinsights --dev
Then, use the phpinsights
On Windows:
First, you should publish the config-file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NunoMaduro\PhpInsights\Application\Adapters\Laravel\InsightsServiceProvider"
Then, use the insights
Artisan command:
php artisan insights
First, you should create the config-file with:
cp vendor/nunomaduro/phpinsights/stubs/symfony.php phpinsights.php
Then, use the phpinsights
On Windows:
You may customize insights
creating and editing the configuration file:
cp vendor/nunomaduro/phpinsights/stubs/config.php phpinsights.php
PHP Insights console command have different verbosity levels, which determine the quantity of issues displayed. By default, commands display only the 3 first issues per Insight
, but you can display them all with the -v
./vendor/bin/phpinsights -v
On Windows:
.\vendor\bin\phpinsights.bat -v
If you encounter the error Allowed memory size of XXXXX bytes exhausted
, the current workaround is to increase the memory limit:
php -d memory_limit=2000M ./vendor/bin/phpinsights
The project is under development. As such, any help is welcome!
- Create a new insight from scratch
- Add a new insight from PHP CS Sniff
- Create or improve create a preset for your favorite framework
- Create the test suite
Imagine that you want to create a new Insight
that doesn't allow the usage of final classes:
- Create a new file under
with the content:
final class ForbiddenFinalClasses extends Insight
public function hasIssue(): bool
return (bool) count($this->collector->getConcreteFinalClasses());
public function getTitle(): string
return 'The use of `final` classes is prohibited';
- Attach the
to a specific insidesrc/Domain/Metrics
final class Classes implements HasInsights
// ...
public function getInsights(): array
return [
Are you aware of a PHPCS sniff that you would like to add to PHP Insights? You can add it in the following way:
- Identify the related metric, and add it to the list of insights:
final class Classes implements HasInsights
// ...
public function getInsights(): array
return [
Would you like to exclude a directory or remove an Insight
for your favorite framework? You can add it in the following way:
In this example we are going to use the Laravel Framework.
- Open the file
and update the config file:
final class Preset implements PresetContract
public static function getName(): string
return 'laravel';
public static function get(): array
return [
'exclude' => [
'add' => [
Classes::class => [
'remove' => [
'config' => [
ForbiddenPrivateMethods::class => [
'title' => 'The usage of private methods is not idiomatic in Laravel.',
ForbiddenDefineGlobalConstants::class => [
'ignore' => ['LARAVEL_START'],
ForbiddenFunctionsSniff::class => [
'forbiddenFunctions' => [
'dd' => null,
'dump' => null,
At the moment, this package doesn't have any test. Would you like to contribute? This is the perfect task.
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to PHP Insights!
Nuno Maduro | Caneco | Quynh Xuan Nguyen | Mike Erickson | Viktor Szépe | Owen Voke |
PHP Insights is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.