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This repo contains the source code for the "App3D" library, which is a custom wrapper library built on the open-source three.js library (link: The App3D library can be included in frontend projects to build custom 3D applications.

Individual features of the App3D library can be seen / demonstrated in the unit test files included at /tutorials. Details on how to run these unit test demos are included below.

Building The App3D Library:

Step 1: Install npm, rollup (if not already installed):

sudo apt-get install -y npm sudo npm i rollup -g

Step 2: Build the library:

cd <repo>

Then, you can either perform the build once:

rollup -c

...or perform the build automatically each time relevant code files change (better for during development):

rollup -c --watch

Deployment Steps:

"Deploying" the App3D library consists of running additional cleanup / build tasks on the App3D source code, then copying it to the "App 3D Server" repository for all applications there to use. The App 3D Server is located here:

Step 1: Install npm, ESLint (if not already installed):

sudo apt-get install -y npm sudo npm i eslint -g

Step 2: Run ESLint:

cd <repo>
eslint --fix .

This will automatically enforce a bare minimum of our coding standards on the source code (e.g.: adding semicolons, white spaces, indentation, etc.).

Step 3: Install babel, babel presets, and js-obfuscate plugins for rollup (if not installed already):

npm i -D rollup-plugin-babel@3
npm i -D babel-preset-env babel-plugin-external-helpers
npm i -D javascript-obfuscator 
# in windows, use this command (npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-javascript-obfuscator)

Step 4: Build the final rolled up App3D library file with the above plugins:

rollup -c rollupBabelAndUglify.config.js

Note that this more complicated rollup can take 30 seconds or more to complete.

Step 5: Copy the newly-built "app3d.js" file to /libs/app3d, replacing the file that's already there

Step 6: (In the app3dServer repo:) Commit your changes to the repo and push them to remote

Run tutorials:

Step 1: Build the App3D library (see above steps)

Step 2: Start python server:

cd tutorials/pythonServer
python3 [port]

Step 3: Open internet browser and go to https://localhost:7999/tutorials

Step 4: Click on any unit test HTML file beginning with "tutorial_"

Other Modes:

Rollup App3D with only Babel ES5 transpilation:

If for whatever reason you only wish to perform the Babel transpilation (and not the Uglify), then instead of the above steps, run:

rollup -c rollupBabel.config.js

Other Information:

File and directory descriptions

  • /build/app3d.js : Output file
  • /tutorials : Various tutorial files
  • /src : Source code
  • /thirdParty : Third party libraries

Developer coding guidelines:

See the file coding-guidelines.txt

Format for commit messages to master branch:

App3D v xx.yy

  1. [Added] Feature description
  2. [Updated] Feature description
  3. [Fixed] Bug description
  4. [Removed] Feature description

User guidelines:

  • filename extension description
".app1" =  ".dae"
".app2" =  ".glb"
".app3" =  ".gltf"
".app4" =  ".fbx"
".app5" =  ".json"


No description, website, or topics provided.







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